Opens a drawing file from your online Autodesk Web & Mobile Account.
The Open from AutoCAD Web & Mobile Cloud Files dialog box is displayed. This command is similar to the OPEN command except that the default location is set to your online Autodesk Web and Mobile Account.
When you Save the drawing, it retains the currently specified DWG format. By default, this is the AutoCAD 2018 file format. You can specify a different default file format in the Options dialog box, Open and Save tab.
If the drawing you open contains macros, the AutoCAD Macro Virus Protection dialog box is displayed. (Not applicable to AutoCAD LT.)
Reference files within the drawing
When a file is saved to AutoCAD Web & Mobile, an option is available to include external references, which is limited to xrefs and images. These external references are included with your drawing in a compressed package (*.dwgzip).
Note: Editing referenced files can result in conflicts between the online and the local versions. To avoid complex situations that could result in your losing work, referenced files are set to read-only.
The partner command to opening a file from your Web & Mobile Account is
Note: This command is available only on 64-bit systems.