The Autodesk Civil 3D ribbon is the primary user interface for accessing commands and features.
Commands available from the ribbon are organized into tabs. Each tab is organized into a series of panels.
The ribbon is typically turned on (displayed) by default, and can be displayed or turned off by using the Ribbon and RibbonClose commands.
There are two basic types of ribbon tabs: static and contextual.
Static ribbon tabs are always displayed when the ribbon is turned on.
Contextual ribbon tabs are displayed automatically when you select an object or invoke an object-specific command. For example, when you select a pipe network object, the Pipe Network contextual tab is displayed.
Contextual tabs contain commands that are related to the currently selected object. Most contextual tabs can be closed simply by deselecting the object.
When multiple types of objects are selected simultaneously, the Multiple contextual tab is displayed in the ribbon. For example, if you select both a pipe network object and an alignment object, the Multiple contextual tab is displayed.
Autodesk Civil 3D contextual ribbons include a Launch Pad panel that provides access to commands that you might use next in your workflow.
For example, when you select an alignment object, the Alignment contextual tab is displayed. The Launch Pad panel on the Alignment contextual tab provides a variety of commands that you may want to use next. For example, you may want to create a corridor, intersection, or data shortcut from the alignment.
Tutorial: Understanding the
Autodesk Civil 3D User Interface