The Shrinkwrap command creates either a derived solid or a derived surface composite part from an assembly.
What's New:
Shrinkwrap uses the active View or Level of Detail representation of the assembly. Components that are not visible or are suppressed are not included in the shrinkwrap part. For example, activate a View or LOD representation that contains no hardware or internal parts to perform fewer calculations. If you are creating BIM content, use this
recommended workflow.
Update the Mass Properties of the source assembly before you create the shrinkwrap part to copy the mass properties to the shrinkwrap part.
- (Optional) Calculate the Mass Properties of the assembly to include them in the substitute.
- (Optional) Create a Design View or LOD representation that contains only the required components.
- (Optional) Activate the representation.
- On the Assemble tab Simplification panel, click
- In the Shrinkwrap dialog box, the
Components tab is active.
- In the
Representation section, select the Design View, Position, and Level of Detail to be used. If you want the shrinkwrap component to remain associative to the design view in use, check the box.
Note: You can change representations during the create process and the display updates to represent the selected representation. The representation change is a realtime preview and thus changes the model content per the representation. Clicking Cancel does not revert the change. You must specify the desired representation before exiting the dialog box.
- In the
Remove Parts section, if you want to
Remove parts by size check the option and specify the distance of the component bounding box diagonal to use as a filtering criteria. Parts with a smaller or equal measurement are removed.
Note: Entering a value automatically updates the scene.
- In the Include Components section, click
Select to Exclude and in the graphics area select components that are not to be included in the shrinkwrap part.
- By default
View Included is the active display. All components included in the new part display. Change to
View Excluded to see the parts you have selected to not participate. Use the display toggle to help manage the selection process.
- Use the
Selection priority to select
Parts (default) or
Components (parts or assemblies).
- Check
All Occurrences if you want to select all of the occurrences of one part in the selection.
Note: When you change between View Included and View Excluded, dialog labels update to show context and the display updates to match the conditional state.
- Click
Features tab to access options for removing solid features which helps simplify the result.
- In the
Remove Features section, specify the feature types (Holes, Pockets, Fillets, or Chamfers) you want removed from the shrinkwrap part. For each of the feature types you can select:
None of the feature types will be removed.
All of the feature types will be removed.
Remove by range all of the feature types. Those within the range you provide are removed. You can change the value during the creation and edit processes, re-detect features and change the result.
- Use the Select tool to pick a feature, the feature is evaluated and a maximum input value extracted. All similar features less than or equal to the Max value are selected.
- Click
Detect Features to highlight all of the selected feature types matching the criteria.
- Click
Preserve Features and click on highlighted features to prevent them from being removed. It is necessary to refresh your selections if Detect Features is clicked. Added components do not automatically have their features selected.
- Click the
Create tab.
- Specify the Part Name, if different from the default, the Template type, file location, and BOM structure to use.
- In the
Style area, select one of the following options:
- Select
Single solid body merging out seams between planar faces to create a solid with no visible edges between planar faces.
- Select
Solid body keep seams between planar faces to create a single solid with visible edges between planar faces.
- Select
Maintain each solid as a solid body to create a multi-body part that contains a unique body for each part in the assembly.
- Select
Single composite feature
to create a surface composite body.
- In the
Other Settings, specify:
- Click OK to finish the command and create the substitute. If the mass properties are up to date and the active LOD is not the Master LOD, you are prompted to copy the Mass Properties of the Master or the active LOD before proceeding.
A progress bar displays status in the lower right corner of the application. The shrinkwrap part opens in a new window.