Custom Flow node description format
enums = { // Defines file global reusable enums
<name> = [ // Name of of the enum
// the node value will be translated from string
// to int using this mapping
name = "<engine name>" // Then name of the enum value as known by the engine side
value = 0 // Integer value for the enum item
// Optional, if not specified a value will be generated
// using idstring32 of "name"
ui_browse_specs = {
<name> = {
ui_browse_function = "<function>" // The method in FlowNodeBrowseFunctions to
// to call to retrieve items to select from.
// Optional
ui_browse_title = "<title>" // The title of the browser window.
// If the input type is an enum this changes
// the UI element from a pop-up menu to a
// searchable pop-up dialog.
// Optional
ui_browse_resource_input = "<input_name>" // The source input ui_browse_function should
// use to fetch items from.
// This is usually a "unit" input
// Optional
ui_types =
"<type>" // Extension type to allow, one or more entries
// This structure can also contain custom entries that the browse function requires.
custom_types = { // Defines file global reusable enums
<name> = { // Name of of the custom type
type = "<custom_type>" // Type identifier which tells editor which
// inputs/outputs matches
ui_name = "<user interface name>" // Human readable name for the custom type
size = n // Size of field in bytes
// Default is 4
align = n // Optional. Specify alignement requirement for field
// Default is 4
nodes = [
name = "<engine name>" // The name of the node type as known by the engine side
ui_legacy_class = "<class name>" // If a Node class in editor backend has been replace
// with a definitions driven node class add the
// old class name so migration can be done
// Optional.
ui_custom_backend_implementation = true/false // If editor backend has a custom
// data model implementation for the
// node type set to true, otherwise
// editor backend will use the
// generic flow node implementation
// Default is "false"
ui_name = "<user interface name>" // Human readable name for editor UI
ui_category = "<category>" // Hierarchical position in the editor menu UI
// Delimited by forward slash
ui_brief = "<brief>" // Brief description for editor UI
type = "<type>" // "simple" or "standard" - a "simple" does not have
// any callback functions
// Default is "standard"
ui_scopes = { // Limits where this node can be used
// If omitted, all scopes default to true
// If empty, all scopes default to false
UnitFlowEditor = true/false // Show node type in unit flow editor
// Default is "true"
LevelFlowEditor = true/false // Show node type in level flow editor
// Default is "true"
ui_spawnable = true/false // Allow node to be created in the editor or not
// Default is true
inputs = [
type = // C type
"unit" UnitReference
"actor" ActorConnector*
"mover" Mover*
"vector3" Vector3
"float" float
"bool" unsigned
"string" FlowString
"id" FlowId
"quaternion" Quaternion
"camera" Camera*
"light" Light*
"mesh" MeshObject*
"material" Material*
"resource" FlowString
"enum" int
"custom" byte[]
"generic" <input> // The generic type stores the type
// information of the input in the
// static data section, one unsigned for
// each generic input field
"compiletime_string" char[] // This does not generate an input field but
// is used as an input for custom flow node compilers
resource_type = "<resource_type>" // Only applicable when type = "resource" or "id"
// If it is present the value the field has will be
// added as a resource into the compilation with the
// type "<resource_type>"
// Not applicable if the field is defined as "external"
ui_browse_spec = {} // Inline browsable type definition
// See global definitions for browsable spec
// Optional.
ui_browse_spec = "<global_defintion>" // Use a globally defined browsable spec
// Optional.
is_required = true/false // Set to true if the input field is required
// to be either set or connected
// Optional. Defaults to false
custom_type = { // Inline custom type definition
} // Only applicable when type = "custom"
// See global definition for custom types
custom_type = "<custom_type>" // Use globally defined custom type definition
// Only applicable when type = "custom"
enum = [ // Inline enum definition.
] // Only applicable when type = "enum"
// See global definition for enum types
enum = "<global_enum_name>" // Use globally defined enum definition
// only applicable when type = "enum".
// The node value will be translated
// from string to int using this mapping
ui_name = "<user interface name>" // Human readable name for editor UI
ui_hidden = true/false // Defines if the input is shown in the
// editor user interface
name = "<engine name>" // Name of the input as known by the
// engine side
external = true/false // If the input source is an external
// source or a source from the flow itself.
// Default is "false"
// Not applicable on event, resource or enum
required = true/false // Does the input have to be set/connected or not
// Default is false
ui_initial_value = <initial_value> // The initial value of the input data field when
// the node is created in editor
// type // initial_value_type
"float" float
"bool" true/false
dynamics = [ // Local "dynamic" variables are internal to the node implementation and can not be
// set externallyfrom editor or other node - they can change value during the
// execution of the flow
type = // C type // Default value
"unit" UnitReference UnitReference(0)
"actor" ActorConnector* nullptr
"mover" Mover* nullptr
"vector3" Vector3 vector(0,0,0)
"float" float 0.f
"bool" unsigned 0
"string" char[128] FlowString
"id" IdString64 FlowId
"id32" IdString32 IdString32()
"quaternion" Quaternion Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)
"unsigned" unsigned 0
"camera" Camera* nullptr
"light" Light* nullptr
"mesh" MeshObject* nullptr
"material" Material* nullptr
"custom" byte[] zero
default_value = (type dependent) // The default value, used if data_node
// does not resolve to a value. Optional.
vector3: [float, float, float] // x, y, z
float: float
bool: int // 0 == false, 1 == true
string: string
id: string
quaternion: [float, float, float, float] // x, y, z, w
unsigned: int
custom_type = { // Inline custom type definition
} // Only applicable when type = "custom"
// See global definition for custom types
custom_type = "<custom_type>" // Use globally defined custom type definition
// Only applicable when type = "custom"
data_node = "<path>" // The sub-node path which stores the
// initial value in the level flow source
// file under the node entry.
// Optional.
statics = [ // local "static" values are internal to the node implementation and can not be set
// externally from editor or other node - they are fixed at compile time or load time
type = // C type // Default value
"unit" UnitReference UnitReference(0)
"actor" ActorConnector* nullptr
"mover" Mover* nullptr
"vector3" Vector3 vector(0,0,0)
"float" float 0.f
"bool" unsigned 0
"string" char[128] FlowString
"id" IdString64 FlowId
"id32" IdString32 IdString32()
"quaternion" Quaternion Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)
"unsigned" unsigned 0
"camera" Camera* nullptr
"light" Light* nullptr
"mesh" MeshObject* nullptr
"material" Material* nullptr
"custom" byte[] zero
default_value = (type dependent) // The default value, used if data_node
// does not resolve to a value. Optional.
vector3: [float, float, float] // x, y, z
float: float
bool: int // 0 == false, 1 == true
string: string
id: string
quaternion: [float, float, float, float] // x, y, z, w
unsigned: int
enum = [ // Inline enum definition.
] // Only applicable when type = "enum"
// See global definition for enum types
enum = "<global_enum_name>" // Use globally defined enum definition, only applicable
// when type = "enum", the node value will be translated
// from string to int using this mapping
custom_type = { // Inline custom type definition
} // Only applicable when type = "custom"
// See global definition for custom types
custom_type = "<custom_type>" // Use globally defined custom type definition
// Only applicable when type = "custom"
data_node = "<path>" // The sub-node path which stores the initial value in the
// level flow source file under the node entry. Optional.
// Path is forward slash delimited
outputs = [
type = // C type // Default value
"event" OutEvent n/a
"unit" UnitReference UnitReference(0)
"actor" ActorConnector* nullptr
"mover" Mover* nullptr
"vector3" Vector3 vector(0,0,0)
"float" float 0.f
"bool" unsigned 0
"string" char[128] FlowString
"id" IdString64 FlowId
"quaternion" Quaternion Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)
"camera" Camera* nullptr
"light" Light* nullptr
"mesh" MeshObject* nullptr
"material" Material* nullptr
"event_array" OutEvent[n] n/a
"custom" byte[] zero
ui_name = "<user interface name>" // Human readable name for editor UI
name = "<engine name>" // Name of the input as known by the engine side
data_update = "push"/"query" // Update type, for the output, default is "push"
// Not applicable for event type
external = true/false // If the input source is an external source or a source
// from the flow itself. Default is "false"
// Not applicable for resource or enum
default_value = (type dependent) // The default value, used if data_node does not resolve
// to a value. Optional.
vector3: [float, float, float] // x, y, z
float: float
bool: int // 0 == false, 1 == true
string: string
id: string
quaternion: [float, float, float, float] // x, y, z, w
custom_type = { // Inline custom type definition
} // Only applicable when type = "custom"
// See global definition for custom types
custom_type = "<custom_type>" // Use globally defined custom type definition
// Only applicable when type = "custom"
data_node = "<path>" // The sub-node path which stores the initial value in the
// level flow source file under the node entry, or where the
// array of output event names are listed.
// Path is forward slash delimited
// Optional.
// For type "event" where "external" is true and
// data_node is not given the registered name of the
// event will be the node "type" value.
dependencies = [
type = "<action>" // The type of action to do for the dependency
// Set to "include" or "preload"
resource_type = "<resource_type>" // Resource type
data_node = "<path>" // The sub-node path which stores the name of the resource in
// the level flow source file (under the node entry)
// Path is forward slash delimited
nested_flow = { // Indicate that flow can have nested flow
input_filter = [ // A list of names of inputs that should be filtered out
// To have no filter, omit the input_filter section
"<input name>" // Name of variable to filter out
// See inputs = [ { name = "input name") ]
output_filter = [ // A list of names of outputs that should be filtered out
// To have no filter, omit the output_filter section
"<output name>" // Name of variable to filter out
// See inputs = [ { name = "input name") ]