Using the Script Editor

The Script Editor helps you create and edit Lua scripts for your project in the interactive editor.

You can also open and edit other kinds of text files in the Script Editor, including .ini files, .package files, and other kinds of data resources that use the SJSON format like .shading_environment_mapping, .component,.render_config,.physics_properties, .type files.

Script Editor toolbar

Writing code in the editor

Task overview
To open an existing script Click the Open icon , then browse to select a .lua script file.
To save a script Click the Save As icon to save the script with a new name. Use this when you've opened an existing script to use as a template, but don't want to overwrite the original. You can also click the Save icon in each document tab to save as you work.
To create a new, blank script Click the New icon . The Script Editor clears the current script and replaces it with a blank script.
To view context-sensitive help Hover over elements in the script. To get detailed help on an object or function from the Lua API, right-click and select API Documentation.
For all basic operations You'll find that standard hotkeys apply in the Script Editor for most basic operational tasks such as undo/redo, cut, copy, paste, select all, find on the page, and so on. (Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy and paste, for example). You can also right click to select some of these options from a pop-up menu.


The Script Editor integrates both Lua documentation and Lua command auto-completion so that as you type, dynamic tooltips display reference information, as well as auto-complete suggestions.

Auto-complete hotkeys
Manually pop up suggestions Ctrl + Spacebar
Close Esc
Accept suggestion Tab or Enter

Tip: To send single line Lua scripts or predefined commands to a running instance of the engine, you can use the Status bar.