Level Sync with 3ds Max

You can link and export entire scenes built in 3ds Max directly to 3ds Max Interactive. Once 3ds Max is linked to the Interactive editor, scene assets can be automatically or manually tagged, and then reproduced with the same layout in your 3ds Max Interactive level. Modifications you make to the assets in 3ds Max are then updated inside the 3ds Max Interactive editor. This makes it easier to build, iterate, review and change scenes, without having to manually reproduce layouts in both tools.

Tag assets with Level Sync

Tagging assigns a name and target folder for your assets, so 3ds Max knows where to export your files.

Manually tag your asset(s) with Level Sync

  1. In 3ds Max, select your assets and then select Interactive > Level Sync Settings.
  2. In the Level Sync Settings window that appears, tag the selected assets to export using the following fields:

    • Target Folder: Sets the path of all the assets to tag. The default path is content/models/[your_scene_name]. If you are working in an unsaved file, the default path is content/models. You can change the default path manually.

    • Asset Name: The name of the asset. By default, the node name is used. When multiple assets are selected, this field is disabled.

  3. Click Apply and Close.

  4. Send your assets from 3ds Max. See Send assets from 3ds Max with Level Sync.

    Note: Tagging respects instancing. During tagging, the name of the first instance is used as the Asset Name, and all instances receive the same tag.

  5. Link 3ds Max and 3ds Max Interactive viewports (Interactive > Live Camera Tracking). This lets you review the scene in the interactive viewport and update them by sending new or updated scene assets with Level Sync.

Automatically tag your asset(s) with level sync

  1. In 3ds Max, select Interactive > Level Sync Settings, and then select Auto Tag All Untagged.

    All of the top level nodes are tagged with the default values.

  2. Send your assets from 3ds Max.