Log Console

Lets you view and filter the messages the engine and editor have written to the log.

Filter by message type

You have two ways to filter messages by type:

Filter by subsystem

Every time the Log Console receives a message from an instance of the engine, it records the name of the component or subsystem that sent that message. You can toggle the display of all log messages based on the subsystems that originated them. For example, you might want to hide all messages from a particular subsystem like the data compiler, or you might want to hide messages from other subsystems so that you can zero in on a particular subsystem.

Control scrolling

By default, the Log Console scrolls automatically so that the newest messages are always visible at the bottom of the panel.

Open the log folder

The log messages you see in the Log Console are also written to files on disk within your Windows user directory. You can open the folder that contains these log files from the Log Console.

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