Built-in metadata properties

You can use the editor's Property Editor panel to view and modify a wide range of different types of properties -- both simple types like strings, booleans, and numbers, and compound types like colors and rotations. You also have a lot of control over the way the Property Editor displays these values. Many property types can be represented using a variety of UI widgets -- like, a number could be edited using a text field, a slider, a spinner box, etc.; you can control display labels, tooltips, ordering, etc.

To tell the Property Editor how it should visually represent the data it is editing, you can give your data some metadata. There are two main ways to do this:

This reference details the different kinds of built-in metadata the Property Editor understands, and shows how to use them in both SJSON type files and in JavaScript.

Common editor metadata properties

These parameters are available for all property control types.

Property Type Default Description
order Number Infinity Controls the ordering of properties in ascending order.
control or displayType String null Specify a control to use when editing the property. See below for additional control specific properties.
label String null Set a custom label for the property.
suffixLabel String null Set a suffix to be displayed after the property value. Only shown for some widget types.
description String null Set a description for the property. Shown in tooltips.
isReadOnly Boolean false If true, prevents the user from editing the property.
isMultiEditSupported Boolean true If false, prevents the user from editing the property if several objects are selected (i.e. consensus editing).
showLabel Boolean true If false, hides the label of the property in editor.
showValue Boolean true If false, hides the value of the property in editor.

Type file example

    type = ":number"
    min = 0
    max = 100
    default = 50
    editor = {
        order = 140
        label = "Health"
        suffix = "HP"
        description = "Initial health of the entity"
        control = "adskPropertySlider"
        step = 10

Compact notation example

var numberProperty = props.slider("Health", m.prop(50), {
    order: 140,
    suffix: "HP",
    description: "Initial health of the entity",
    min: 0,
    max: 100,
    increment: 10

Built-in control widgets

The following sections describe the different values you can use for the control or displayType metadata field. Each one defines a different kind of built-in widget for viewing and interacting with the value of the corresponding type -- like sliders, textfields, checkboxes, etc.

Quick Mithril Model Recap

The compact property editor notation in the following examples uses a Mithril getter/setter function mechanism to encapsulate access to the property model. For more information, see Use the Property Editor component in your UI.

This is a quick example of a property model function:

var _propertyData = "This is my data";
function propertyModel (value) {
    if (arguments.length) {
        _propertyData = value;
    return _propertyData;

Most examples below use the following function which generates a property model on the fly:

function genModel (value) {
    return function (newValue) {
        if (arguments.length) {
            value = newValue;
        return value;


A simple button that triggers a custom function.

Property Type Default Description
action (compact notation only) Function null Function with no arguments.
trigger (type file only) action (see Register an action) null Action to execute.
text string "" Button text.
color color Button background color. Any html color is valid.
iconName string See Font Awesome Icons for a list of supported icons name.

Type file

    type = ":string"
    editor = {
        order = 140
        text = "Compute"
        description = "Initial health of the entity"
        control = "Action"
        trigger = {
            type = "js"
            module = "generic_asset/generic-asset-actions"
            function_name = "triggerAction"


var actionProperty = props.action("Action", function () {
                        console.log('Action is triggered!');
                    }, {iconName: "fa-star-o"}),


A checkbox control.

Type file

    type = ":boolean"
    editor = {
        order = 140
        control = "Boolean"
        isReadOnly = true


var actionProperty = props.bool("Boolean", genModel(true));


A combobox that can map to either an enum type or a string.

Property Type Default Description
options object {} This is a javascript object where the keys are the "pretty label" for the different choices and the values are the actual enum values. See below for an example.
fetch_options (type file only) action (see Register an action) null Action that will return dynamically generated options.
defaultValueName String null Default label if no choice.
defaultValue String null Default value if no choice.

Type file (Enum)

Enum = {
    type = ":enum"
    value = ":string"
    default = "InLoading"
    cases = [
    editor = {
        control = "Choice"
        label  = "Load state"
        case_labels = {
            "Loaded" = "Loaded"
            "Unloaded" = "Unloaded"
            "In Loading..." = "InLoading"
            "Error while Loading" = "ErrorLoading"

Type file (String)

// This effectively creates a string that will use a Combobox control to select between
// a specific list of string values.
ChoiceString = {
    type = ":string"
    default = "SurfaceNormal"
    editor = {
        control = "Choice"
        label  = "Orient Express"
        fetch_options = {
            type = "js"
            module = "generic_asset/generic-asset-actions"
            function_name = "populateActions"


var options {
    'Beer': 1,
    'Scotch': 2,
    'Rhum': 3,
    'Wine': 4

var choiceProperty = props.choice("Tough choice", genModel(2), options, {defaultValueName: "Choose a drink"});


A color swatch with an accompanying intensity slider.

Clicking the swatch brings up a color picker dialog:

Type file (String)

Color = {
    type = "core/types/color"

Color base type definition

// see core/types/color.type
export = "#color"
types = {
    color = {
        type = ":struct"
        fields = {
            rgb = {
                type = ":array"
                value = "#component"
                size = 3
                default = [0, 0, 0]
            alpha = {
                type = "#component"
                default = 1
            intensity = {
                type = ":number"
                default = 1
                min = 0
        editor = {
            control = "adskPropertyColor"
    component = {
        type = ":number"
        min = 0
        max = 1


// Simple color:
var colorProperty = props.color("Color", genModel([1,1,1]));

// HDR color:
var hdrColorProperty = props.hdrColor("Color", genModel([1,1,1]), genModel(1));


A spinner control that allows editing of a number value. Comes with lots of nifty features:

Property Type Default Description
min number -2147483648 Minimal value of the number
max number 2147483647 Maximal value of the number
step (in type file) number 0.1 When pressing the spinner button how much should it increment/decrement
increment (in javascript) number 0.1 When pressing the spinner button how much should it increment/decrement
decimal number 4 Number of decimals to show. If 0, the number is assumed to be an integer.
numericDefaultValue number 0 Value to reset to whrn right clicking on the Spinner.

Type file

Number = {
    type = ":number"
    editor = {
        // Use min/max/default in the editor block instead of the type specification
        default = 1
        min = 0
        max = 1
        control = "Number"
        step = 0.3
        priority = 4


var numberProperty = props.number("A Numeric Value", genModel(42.111), {
    increment: 0.5,
    min: -9,
    max: 56.9


A slider control allows editing of a number using a left-to-right slider. Most of its parameters are similar to the number property (see above).

Property Type Default Description
min number -2147483648 Minimal value of the number
max number 2147483647 Maximal value of the number
step (in type file) number 0.1 When pressing the spinner button how much should it increment/decrement
increment (in javascript) number 0.1 When pressing the spinner button how much should it increment/decrement
decimal number 4 Number of decimals to show. If 0, the number is assumed to be an integer.

Type file

Number = {
    type = ":number"
    editor = {
        // Use min/max/default in the editor block instead of the type specification
        default = 1
        min = 0
        max = 1
        control = "Slider"
        step = 0.3
        priority = 4


var sliderProperty = props.slider("Percentable", genModel(50), {min: 0, max: 100, increment: 1});


String properties are edited by default through simple text boxes.

Property Type Default Description
isMultiline boolean false Defines if the textbox should span over multiple lines.
lineRows number 0 If isMultiline is true you can specify the number of lines of the textbox (between 1 and 8).

Type file

SingleLine = {
    type = ":string"
    editor = {
        label = "Single Line"
MultiLine = {
    type = ":string"
    default = "pow"
    editor = {
        label = "Multi Line"
        isMultiline = true
        lineRows = 4


var stringProperty = props.color("Color", genModel([1,1,1]));

var colorModel = genModel([1,1,1]);
var intensityModel = genModel(1);
var hdrColorProperty = props.hdrColor("Color", colorModel, intensityModel);


The path property allows a user to select either a folder or a file on disk, using a window provided by the operating system.

Property Type Default Description
browserType string Can be either File or Folder. Defines what type of native path selector will be popped.
browseTitle string Title of the native dialog.
browseFilter string File filter to only show files with a specific extension.

Type file

FilePath = {
    type = ":string"
    editor = {
        control = "PathProperty"
        browseType = "File"
        browseTitle = "Select an exe"
        browseFilter = "*.exe"
DirPath = {
    type = ":string"
    editor = {
        control = "PathProperty"
        browseType = "Folder"
        browseTitle = "Select a folder"


var fileProperty = props.file("File", genModel('c:/Pogram Files (x86)/Git/bin/git.exe'), "Pick an exec", "*.exe"),
var dirProperty = props.directory("Folder", genModel('c:/Pogram Files (x86)/Git'), "Pick a folder"),


A control that contains two numeric min and max value fields.

Type file

Range = {
    type = "core/types/range"


var range1= props.range("Range [-100, 100]", "mini", genModel(25), 'maxi', genModel(75), {min: -100, max: 100, increment: 0.5}),
var range2 = props.range("Read Only", "MIN", genModel(25), 'Max', genModel(75), {min: -100, max: 100, increment: 0.5, isReadOnly: true})


A control that can be used to display a list of 2, 3 or 4 components -- but not a rotation (see Rotation below).

Type file

Position = {
    type = "core/types/vector3"

Vector3 base type definition

// see core/types/vector3.type
export = "#vector3"
types = {
    vector3 = {
        type = ":array"
        value = ":number"
        size = 3
        default = [0, 0, 0]
        editor = {
            control = "adskPropertyVector3"


var vec2 = props.vector2("Vector2", genModel([34, 78]), {min: -100, max: 100, increment: 0.5});

var vec3 = props.vector3("Vector3", genModel([1,2,3]));

var vec4 = props.vector4("Vector4", genModel([34, 78, 67, -90]));


A control that that uses as its data model a vector made up of three radian values, and that shows three spinners with the values converted to degrees.

Type file

Rotation = {
    type = "core/types/rotation"

Rotation base type definition

// see core/types/rotation.type
export = "#rotation"
types = {
    rotation = {
        type = ":array"
        value = ":number"
        size = 3
        default = [0, 0, 0]
        editor = {
            control = "adskPropertyRotation"


var rotation = props.rotation("Rotation", genModel(0, -1.52, 3.14));