Steam category - Stingray Lua API Reference
This category contains API elements related to games networked over Steam.
The interface for accessing the player statistics functionality on Steam.
This is the starting point for voice communication using Steam.
This represents a room where people can talk to each other in over the Internet.
Represents a client network node in a Steam game.
Represents a server node in a Steam game.
Represents a lobby for a game server.
Represents a lobby in a Steam game.
The SteamLobbyBrowser provides access to the list of game lobbies available on the Steam.
Used to measure the ping time, which reports how fast messages can be bounced between the two network cards.
This represents a client that can communicate with others in a room.
Sets up a filter that restricts the servers found by a Steam server browser.
A table that contains the information about a game server in Steam.
A table that provides information about the progress of an operation carried out by
the Steam stingray.Stats interface.