Map expression examples

Control clumping magnitude in specified areas

This expression uses map values to apply clumping magnitude along the length of each spline. Min and max values specify the input values range for $t. This global variable ($t) applies values along the length of each spline. It is not supported by all attributes and modifiers.

#map painted for the Clumping attribute.

#Declare local values for the expanded range of the $t global variable.

#$t applies the clumping values. The fit() expands the input range for $t, taking it from 0 and 1 to 0 and 5.

Add noise to specified areas using a map

This expression uses a map to control where noise is applied and sets its magnitude.

#Painted map.

#Declare local variables for input values for noise functions.
hi =1.000;
$lo =0.192;
$contrast =0.973;
$freq =25.0000; #.1,30

#Multiple noise layers calculated.
$a*smoothstep(noise($P*$freq), $lo, $hi) -> contrast($contrast)

Selecting between multiple Density masks

You can create multiple maps for Density masks and use a slider control to easy select between them.

#Create mulitple Density masks.

#Declare local variable for map selection. Slider control set for 1-4 for four maps.

#Sets selection range. 

#choose() functon chooses a selection choice based on the range.

Modify hue, saturation, and intensity of a painted map

$a->hsi($Hue, $Saturation, $Intensity)