You can save your interactive grooms to preset XGIP files, which can be applied to any polygon mesh object. Start new hair and fur grooms with the saved presets or use them to manage shot-based hair styles. Presets are topology independent, so you can apply them to low and high resolution versions of your character meshes or to different mesh shapes.
For information about XGen geometry instancer presets, see Save hair, fur, or instanced geometry as XGen presets and Create hair, fur, or instanced geometry using XGen presets.
An interactive grooming preset contains all of the description and modifier node networks, masks, and maps from the source groom's description. When you apply the preset to a polygon mesh, a new description and modifier node network is created for the target mesh object. If desired, you can then modify the groom like any other interactive grooming description.
By default, preset files get saved to the xgen directory of your currently set Maya project.
You can add your interactive grooming presets to the XGen Library.
To apply a preset from the XGen Library, in the Modeling menu set, select . and then select a preset directory and the preset's thumbnail image.