Set nCloth Initial State

To set the initial State of your nCloth

  1. In the scene view, select the nCloth for which you want to set its Initial State.
  2. Playback your nCloth until it reaches the shape you want to set as its Initial State and then stop playback.
  3. In the FX menu set, select Fields/Solvers > Initial State > Set From Mesh.

    This sets which shape your nCloth starts its simulation with. For example, you can set your nCloth’s Initial State so that it appears to be draped over a couch at the beginning of its simulation.

    • Setting the Initial State of your cloth sets its shape at the start frame. It does not affect the input mesh or rest position.
    • You can set the Input Mesh Attract attribute in the Dynamic Properties section of the nClothShape node to increase or decrease how much your nCloth wants to retain the shape of its input mesh.