C++ API Reference
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// apiMeshIterator.cpp
#include "apiMeshIterator.h"
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
apiMeshGeomIterator::apiMeshGeomIterator( void * geom, MObjectArray & comps )
: MPxGeometryIterator( geom, comps ),
geometry( (apiMeshGeom*)geom )
apiMeshGeomIterator::apiMeshGeomIterator( void * geom, MObject & comps )
: MPxGeometryIterator( geom, comps ),
geometry( (apiMeshGeom*)geom )
/* override */
void apiMeshGeomIterator::reset()
// Description
// Resets the iterator to the start of the components so that another
// pass over them may be made.
setCurrentPoint( 0 );
if ( NULL != geometry ) {
int maxVertex = geometry->vertices.length();
setMaxPoints( maxVertex );
/* override */
MPoint apiMeshGeomIterator::point() const
// Description
// Returns the point for the current element in the iteration.
// This is used by the transform tools for positioning the
// manipulator in component mode. It is also used by deformers.
MPoint pnt;
if ( NULL != geometry ) {
unsigned int idx = index();
if ( idx < geometry->vertices.length())
pnt = geometry->vertices[ index() ];
return pnt;
/* override */
void apiMeshGeomIterator::setPoint( const MPoint & pnt ) const
// Description
// Set the point for the current element in the iteration.
// This is used by deformers.
if ( NULL != geometry ) {
unsigned int idx = index();
if ( idx < geometry->vertices.length())
geometry->vertices.set( pnt, index() );
/* override */
int apiMeshGeomIterator::iteratorCount() const
// Description
// Return the number of vertices in the iteration.
// This is used by deformers such as smooth skinning
return geometry->vertices.length();
/* override */
bool apiMeshGeomIterator::hasPoints() const
// Description
// Returns true since the shape data has points.
return true;