C++ API Reference
// DESCRIPTION: A simple example of a programmable checker texture.
// This example produces a dependency graph node CheckerNode.
// This node is an example of evaluating texture UV coordinates and producing
// a checkerboard pattern. It also can take advantage of the 2d texture placement
// node for transforming UV coordinates with a manipulator.
// Inputs:
// BiasU, BiasV: Control for the center of the checker.
// Color1, Color2: the 2 colors for the checker.
// UV: UV coordinates that are being evaluated.
// Output:
// outColor: the result color.
// It is a 3 float value that represents the resulting color derived from the
// object's UV texture coordinates.
// Before using the shader, enter the following commands:
// shadingNode -asTexture checkerTexture;
// shadingNode -asUtility place2dTexture;
// connectAttr place2dTexture1.outUV checkerTexture1.uvCoord;
// You can now connect the outColor output to an input of a surface/shader node
// such as Color.
// The plugin assumes that the devkit location follows "Setting up your build
// environment" at Maya Developer Help; otherwise, shaders/textures cannot be
// located. In this case create a mod (module description file) as below in a
// suitable modules folder (getenv "MAYA_MODULE_PATH") and restart Maya.
// + devkit 1.0 <local devkit path>
#include <math.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MDataHandle.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFloatVector.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MDrawRegistry.h>
#include <maya/MPxShadingNodeOverride.h>
#include <maya/MViewport2Renderer.h>
#include <maya/MFragmentManager.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
// Node declaration
class CheckerNode : public MPxNode
~CheckerNode() override;
MStatus compute( const MPlug&, MDataBlock& ) override;
SchedulingType schedulingType() const override { return SchedulingType::kParallel; }
static void * creator();
static MStatus initialize();
// Id tag for use with binary file format
static const MTypeId id;
// Input attributes
static MObject aColor1;
static MObject aColor2;
static MObject aBias;
static MObject aUVCoord;
// Output attributes
static MObject aOutColor;
static MObject aOutAlpha;
// Override declaration
class CheckerNodeOverride : public MHWRender::MPxShadingNodeOverride
static MHWRender::MPxShadingNodeOverride* creator(const MObject& obj);
~CheckerNodeOverride() override;
MString fragmentName() const override;
CheckerNodeOverride(const MObject& obj);
MString fFragmentName;
// Node definition
// static data
const MTypeId CheckerNode::id( 0x81006 );
// Attributes
MObject CheckerNode::aColor1;
MObject CheckerNode::aColor2;
MObject CheckerNode::aBias;
MObject CheckerNode::aUVCoord;
MObject CheckerNode::aOutColor;
MObject CheckerNode::aOutAlpha;
#define MAKE_INPUT(attr) \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setKeyable(true) ); \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setStorable(true) ); \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setReadable(true) ); \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setWritable(true) );
#define MAKE_OUTPUT(attr) \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setKeyable(false) ); \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setStorable(false) ); \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setReadable(true) ); \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setWritable(false) );
// creates an instance of the node
void * CheckerNode::creator()
return new CheckerNode();
MStatus CheckerNode::initialize()
// Input attributes
aColor1 = nAttr.createColor("color1", "c1");
CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setDefault(0., .58824, .644) ); // Light blue
aColor2 = nAttr.createColor("color2", "c2");
CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setDefault(1., 1., 1.) ); // White
aBias = nAttr.create( "bias", "b", MFnNumericData::k2Float);
CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setMin(0.0f, 0.0f) );
CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setMax(1.0f, 1.0f) );
CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setDefault(0.5f, 0.5f) );
// Implicit shading network attributes
MObject child1 = nAttr.create( "uCoord", "u", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
MObject child2 = nAttr.create( "vCoord", "v", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
aUVCoord = nAttr.create( "uvCoord","uv", child1, child2);
CHECK_MSTATUS(nAttr.setHidden(true) );
// Output attributes
aOutColor = nAttr.createColor("outColor", "oc");
aOutAlpha = nAttr.create( "outAlpha", "oa", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
// Add attributes to the node database.
// All input affect the output color and alpha
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects (aColor1, aOutColor));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aColor1, aOutAlpha));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects (aColor2, aOutColor));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aColor2, aOutAlpha));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aBias, aOutColor));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aBias, aOutAlpha));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects (aUVCoord, aOutColor));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aUVCoord, aOutAlpha));
return MS::kSuccess;
// This function gets called by Maya to evaluate the texture.
// Get color1 and color2 from the input block.
// Get UV coordinates from the input block.
// Compute the color/alpha of our checker for a given UV coordinate.
// Put the result into the output plug.
MStatus CheckerNode::compute(
const MPlug& plug,
MDataBlock& block )
// outColor or individial R, G, B channel, or alpha
if((plug != aOutColor) && (plug.parent() != aOutColor) &&
(plug != aOutAlpha))
return MS::kUnknownParameter;
MFloatVector resultColor;
float2 & uv = block.inputValue( aUVCoord ).asFloat2();
float2 & bias = block.inputValue( aBias ).asFloat2();
int count = 0;
if (uv[0] - floorf(uv[0]) < bias[0]) count++;
if (uv[1] - floorf(uv[1]) < bias[1]) count++;
if (count & 1)
resultColor = block.inputValue( aColor2 ).asFloatVector();
resultColor = block.inputValue( aColor1 ).asFloatVector();
// Set ouput color attribute
MDataHandle outColorHandle = block.outputValue( aOutColor );
MFloatVector& outColor = outColorHandle.asFloatVector();
outColor = resultColor;
// Set ouput alpha attribute
MDataHandle outAlphaHandle = block.outputValue( aOutAlpha );
float& outAlpha = outAlphaHandle.asFloat();
outAlpha = (count & 1) ? 1.f : 0.f;
return MS::kSuccess;
// Override definition
MHWRender::MPxShadingNodeOverride* CheckerNodeOverride::creator(
const MObject& obj)
return new CheckerNodeOverride(obj);
CheckerNodeOverride::CheckerNodeOverride(const MObject& obj)
: MPxShadingNodeOverride(obj)
, fFragmentName("")
// Fragments are defined in separate XML files, add the checker node
// directory to the search path and load from the files.
static const MString sFragmentName("checkerNodePluginFragment");
static const MString sFragmentOutputName("checkerNodePluginFragmentOutput");
static const MString sFragmentGraphName("checkerNodePluginGraph");
if (theRenderer)
if (fragmentMgr)
// Add search path (once only)
// The plugin assumes that the devkit location follows "Setting up your build
// environment" at Maya Developer Help; otherwise, shaders/textures cannot be
// located. In this case create a mod (module description file) as below in a
// suitable modules folder (getenv "MAYA_MODULE_PATH") and restart Maya.
// + devkit 1.0 <local devkit path>
static bool sAdded = false;
if (!sAdded)
MString location;
if( ! MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("getModulePath -moduleName \"devkit\""), location, false) ) {
location = MString(getenv("MAYA_LOCATION")) + MString("/devkit");
location += "/plug-ins/checkerShader";
sAdded = true;
// Add fragments if needed
bool fragAdded = fragmentMgr->hasFragment(sFragmentName);
bool structAdded = fragmentMgr->hasFragment(sFragmentOutputName);
bool graphAdded = fragmentMgr->hasFragment(sFragmentGraphName);
if (!fragAdded)
fragAdded = (sFragmentName == fragmentMgr->addShadeFragmentFromFile(sFragmentName + ".xml", false));
if (!structAdded)
structAdded = (sFragmentOutputName == fragmentMgr->addShadeFragmentFromFile(sFragmentOutputName + ".xml", false));
if (!graphAdded)
graphAdded = (sFragmentGraphName == fragmentMgr->addFragmentGraphFromFile(sFragmentGraphName + ".xml"));
// If we have them all, use the final graph for the override
if (fragAdded && structAdded && graphAdded)
fFragmentName = sFragmentGraphName;
MHWRender::DrawAPI CheckerNodeOverride::supportedDrawAPIs() const
MString CheckerNodeOverride::fragmentName() const
return fFragmentName;
static const MString sRegistrantId("checkerTexturePlugin");
// Plugin setup
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
const MString UserClassify( "texture/2d:drawdb/shader/texture/2d/checkerTexture" );
MFnPlugin plugin(obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "4.5", "Any");
CHECK_MSTATUS( plugin.registerNode("checkerTexture", CheckerNode::id,
CheckerNode::creator, CheckerNode::initialize,
MPxNode::kDependNode, &UserClassify ) );
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
CHECK_MSTATUS( plugin.deregisterNode( CheckerNode::id ) );
return MS::kSuccess;
// =====================================================================
// Copyright 2018 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This computer source code and related instructions and comments are
// the unpublished confidential and proprietary information of Autodesk,
// Inc. and are protected under applicable copyright and trade secret
// law. They may not be disclosed to, copied or used by any third party
// without the prior written consent of Autodesk, Inc.
// =====================================================================