C++ API Reference
#ifndef _dx11ShaderCompileHelper_h_
#define _dx11ShaderCompileHelper_h_
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// Copyright 1995,2006,2008,2011 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
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#include <list>
#include <maya/MApiNamespace.h>
struct ID3D11Device;
struct ID3DX11Effect;
class dx11ShaderNode;
namespace CDX11EffectCompileHelper
// Release the effect from the specified node
void releaseEffect(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3DX11Effect* effect, const MString& fileName);
// Build an effect from an external file
ID3DX11Effect* build(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName, MString &errorLog, bool useStrictness = false);
// Clone an effect - used for the duplicate operation
ID3DX11Effect* build(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName, ID3DX11Effect* effectSource, MString &errorLog);
// Load a compiled effect
ID3DX11Effect* build(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3D11Device* device, const void* buffer, unsigned int dataSize, MString &errorLog, bool useStrictness = false);
// Get the absolute path of an effect file
MString resolveShaderFileName(const MString& shaderPath, bool* fileExists = NULL);
// Get the list of the nodes that use the specified shader file
typedef std::list< dx11ShaderNode* > ShaderNodeList;
void getNodesUsingEffect(const MString& fileName, ShaderNodeList &nodes);
#endif //_dx11ShaderCompilHelper_h_