C++ API Reference
// DESCRIPTION: A simple example of file texture node.
// Inputs:
// FileName: the name of the file to load
// UV: uv coordinate we're evaluating now.
// Output:
// outColor: the result color.
// Need to enter the following commands before using:
// shadingNode -asTexture fileTexture;
// shadingNode -asUtility place2dTexture;
// connectAttr place2dTexture1.outUV fileTexture1.uvCoord;
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MDataHandle.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnTypedAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnStringData.h>
#include <maya/MRenderUtil.h>
#include <maya/MImage.h>
#include <maya/MFloatVector.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MDrawRegistry.h>
#include <maya/MPxShadingNodeOverride.h>
#include <maya/MViewport2Renderer.h>
#include <maya/MFragmentManager.h>
#include <maya/MShaderManager.h>
#include <maya/MTextureManager.h>
#include <maya/MStateManager.h>
// Node Declaration
class FileNode : public MPxNode
static void* creator();
static MStatus initialize();
~FileNode() override;
const MPlug& plug,
MPlugArray& plugArray) override;
MStatus compute(const MPlug&, MDataBlock&) override;
SchedulingType schedulingType() const override { return SchedulingType::kParallel; }
// ID tag for use with binary file format
static const MTypeId id;
MImage fImage;
size_t fWidth;
size_t fHeight;
// Attributes
static MObject aFileName;
static MObject aCMConfigPath;
static MObject aCMWorkingSpace;
static MObject aColorSpace;
static MObject aCMEnabled;
static MObject aCMConfigEnabled;
static MObject aUVCoord;
static MObject aOutColor;
static MObject aOutAlpha;
friend class FileNodeOverride;
// Override Declaration
class FileNodeOverride : public MHWRender::MPxShadingNodeOverride
static MHWRender::MPxShadingNodeOverride* creator(const MObject& obj);
~FileNodeOverride() override;
MString fragmentName() const override;
void updateDG() override;
const MHWRender::MAttributeParameterMappingList& mappings) override;
virtual bool valueChangeRequiresFragmentRebuild(const MPlug* plug) const;
FileNodeOverride(const MObject& obj);
MString fFragmentName;
MObject fObject;
MString fFileName;
const MHWRender::MSamplerState* fSamplerState;
mutable MString fResolvedMapName;
mutable MString fResolvedSamplerName;
// Node Implementation
const MTypeId FileNode::id(0x00081057);
void* FileNode::creator()
return new FileNode();
: fWidth(0)
, fHeight(0)
MStatus FileNode::setDependentsDirty(
const MPlug& plug,
MPlugArray& plugArray)
if (plug == aFileName)
fWidth = fHeight = 0;
return MPxNode::setDependentsDirty(plug, plugArray);
MStatus FileNode::compute(const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& block)
// outColor or individial R, G, B channel, or alpha
if ((plug != aOutColor) &&
(plug.parent() != aOutColor) &&
(plug != aOutAlpha))
return MS::kUnknownParameter;
MFloatVector resultColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
float resultAlpha = 1.0f;
// Read from file if we need to
if (!fImage.pixels())
MString& fileName = block.inputValue(aFileName).asString();
MString exactName(fileName);
// This class is derived from MPxNode, therefore it is not a DAG node and does not have a path.
// Instead you we just get the node's name using the name() method inherited from MPxNode as the context.
if (MRenderUtil::exactFileTextureName(fileName, false, "", name(), exactName))
unsigned int width = 0;
unsigned int height = 0;
if (fImage.readFromFile(exactName) &&
fImage.getSize(width, height))
fWidth = width;
fHeight = height;
// Compute outputs from image data
unsigned char* data = fImage.pixels();
if (data && fWidth > 0 && fHeight > 0)
float2& uv = block.inputValue(aUVCoord).asFloat2();
float u = uv[0]; if (u<0.0f) u=0.0f; if (u>1.0f) u=1.0f;
float v = uv[1]; if (v<0.0f) v=0.0f; if (v>1.0f) v=1.0f;
static const size_t pixelSize = 4;
size_t rowOffset = (size_t)(v*(fHeight-1)) * fWidth;
size_t colOffset = (size_t)(u*(fWidth-1));
const unsigned char* pixel = data +
((rowOffset + colOffset) * pixelSize);
resultColor[0] = ((float)pixel[0])/255.0f;
resultColor[1] = ((float)pixel[1])/255.0f;
resultColor[2] = ((float)pixel[2])/255.0f;
resultAlpha = ((float)pixel[3])/255.0f;
// Set ouput color attribute
MDataHandle outColorHandle = block.outputValue(aOutColor);
MFloatVector& outColor = outColorHandle.asFloatVector();
outColor = resultColor;
// Set ouput alpha attribute
MDataHandle outAlphaHandle = block.outputValue(aOutAlpha);
float& outAlpha = outAlphaHandle.asFloat();
outAlpha = resultAlpha;
return MS::kSuccess;
#define MAKE_INPUT(attr) \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setKeyable(true)); \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setStorable(true)); \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setReadable(true)); \
#define MAKE_OUTPUT(attr) \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setKeyable(false)); \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setStorable(false)); \
CHECK_MSTATUS(attr.setReadable(true)); \
// Attributes
MObject FileNode::aFileName;
MObject FileNode::aCMConfigPath;
MObject FileNode::aCMWorkingSpace;
MObject FileNode::aColorSpace;
MObject FileNode::aCMEnabled;
MObject FileNode::aCMConfigEnabled;
MObject FileNode::aUVCoord;
MObject FileNode::aOutColor;
MObject FileNode::aOutAlpha;
MStatus FileNode::initialize()
// Input attributes
MFnStringData stringData;
MObject theString = stringData.create();
aFileName = tAttr.create("fileName", "f", MFnData::kString, theString);
MFnAttribute attr(aFileName);
MFnStringData stringDataCMConfigPath;
MObject theStringCMConfigPath = stringDataCMConfigPath.create();
aCMConfigPath = tAttr.create("colorManagementConfigFilePath", "cmcfp", MFnData::kString, theStringCMConfigPath);
MFnStringData stringDataCMWorkingSpace;
MObject theStringCMWorkingSpace = stringDataCMWorkingSpace.create();
aCMWorkingSpace = tAttr.create("workingSpace", "ws", MFnData::kString, theStringCMWorkingSpace);
MFnStringData stringDataColorSpace;
MObject theStringColorSpace = stringDataColorSpace.create();
aColorSpace = tAttr.create("colorSpace", "cs", MFnData::kString, theStringColorSpace);
aCMEnabled = nAttr.create("colorManagementEnabled", "cme", MFnNumericData::kBoolean);
aCMConfigEnabled = nAttr.create("colorManagementConfigFileEnabled", "cmce", MFnNumericData::kBoolean);
MObject child1 = nAttr.create("uCoord", "u", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
MObject child2 = nAttr.create("vCoord", "v", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
aUVCoord = nAttr.create("uvCoord","uv", child1, child2);
// Output attributes
aOutColor = nAttr.createColor("outColor", "oc");
aOutAlpha = nAttr.create("outAlpha", "oa", MFnNumericData::kFloat);
// Add attributes to the node database.
// All input affect the output color and alpha
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aFileName, aOutColor));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aFileName, aOutAlpha));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aUVCoord, aOutColor));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aUVCoord, aOutAlpha));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aCMEnabled, aOutColor));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aCMConfigEnabled, aOutColor));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aCMConfigPath, aOutColor));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aCMWorkingSpace, aOutColor));
CHECK_MSTATUS(attributeAffects(aColorSpace, aOutColor));
return MS::kSuccess;
// Override Implementation
MHWRender::MPxShadingNodeOverride* FileNodeOverride::creator(
const MObject& obj)
return new FileNodeOverride(obj);
FileNodeOverride::FileNodeOverride(const MObject& obj)
: MPxShadingNodeOverride(obj)
, fObject(obj)
, fFragmentName("")
, fFileName("")
, fSamplerState(NULL)
, fResolvedMapName("")
, fResolvedSamplerName("")
// Define fragments and fragment graph needed for VP2 version of shader,
// these could also be defined in separate XML files.
static const MString sFragmentOutputName("fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput");
static const char* sFragmentOutputBody =
"<fragment uiName=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\" name=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\" type=\"structure\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\">"
" <description><![CDATA[Struct output for simple file texture fragment]]></description>"
" <properties>"
" <struct name=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\" struct_name=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\" />"
" </properties>"
" <values>"
" </values>"
" <outputs>"
" <alias name=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\" struct_name=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\" />"
" <float3 name=\"outColor\" semantic=\"mayaCMSemantic\" />"
" <float name=\"outAlpha\" />"
" </outputs>"
" <implementation>"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\">"
" <function_name val=\"\" />"
" <declaration name=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\"><![CDATA["
"struct fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput \n"
"{ \n"
" float3 outColor; \n"
" float outAlpha; \n"
"}; \n]]>"
" </declaration>"
" </implementation>"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\">"
" <function_name val=\"\" />"
" <declaration name=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\"><![CDATA["
"struct fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput \n"
"{ \n"
" float3 outColor; \n"
" float outAlpha; \n"
"}; \n]]>"
" </declaration>"
" </implementation>"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\">"
" <function_name val=\"\" />"
" <declaration name=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\"><![CDATA["
"struct fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput \n"
"{ \n"
" vec3 outColor; \n"
" float outAlpha; \n"
"}; \n]]>"
" </declaration>"
" </implementation>"
" </implementation>"
static const MString sFragmentName("fileTexturePluginFragment");
static const char* sFragmentBody =
"<fragment uiName=\"fileTexturePluginFragment\" name=\"fileTexturePluginFragment\" type=\"plumbing\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\">"
" <description><![CDATA[Simple file texture fragment]]></description>"
" <properties>"
" <float2 name=\"uvCoord\" semantic=\"mayaUvCoordSemantic\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" />"
" <texture2 name=\"map\" />"
" <sampler name=\"textureSampler\" />"
" </properties>"
" <values>"
" </values>"
" <outputs>"
" <struct name=\"output\" struct_name=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\" />"
" </outputs>"
" <implementation>"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.100000\">"
" <function_name val=\"fileTexturePluginFragment\" />"
" <source><![CDATA["
"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput fileTexturePluginFragment(float2 uv, texture2D map, sampler2D mapSampler) \n"
"{ \n"
" fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput result; \n"
" uv -= floor(uv); \n"
" uv.y = 1.0f - uv.y; \n"
" float4 color = tex2D(mapSampler, uv); \n"
" result.outColor = color.rgb; \n"
" result.outAlpha = color.a; \n"
" return result; \n"
"} \n]]>"
" </source>"
" </implementation>"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.000000\">"
" <function_name val=\"fileTexturePluginFragment\" />"
" <source><![CDATA["
"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput fileTexturePluginFragment(float2 uv, Texture2D map, sampler mapSampler) \n"
"{ \n"
" fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput result; \n"
" uv -= floor(uv); \n"
" uv.y = 1.0f - uv.y; \n"
" float4 color = map.Sample(mapSampler, uv); \n"
" result.outColor = color.rgb; \n"
" result.outAlpha = color.a; \n"
" return result; \n"
"} \n]]>"
" </source>"
" </implementation>"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\">"
" <function_name val=\"fileTexturePluginFragment\" />"
" <source><![CDATA["
"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput fileTexturePluginFragment(vec2 uv, sampler2D mapSampler) \n"
"{ \n"
" fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput result; \n"
" uv -= floor(uv); \n"
" uv.y = 1.0f - uv.y; \n"
" vec4 color = texture(mapSampler, uv); \n"
" result.outColor = color.rgb; \n"
" result.outAlpha = color.a; \n"
" return result; \n"
"} \n]]>"
" </source>"
" </implementation>"
" </implementation>"
static const MString sFragmentGraphName("fileTexturePluginGraph");
static const char* sFragmentGraphBody =
"<fragment_graph name=\"fileTexturePluginGraph\" ref=\"fileTexturePluginGraph\" class=\"FragmentGraph\" version=\"1.0\">"
" <fragments>"
" <fragment_ref name=\"fileTexturePluginFragment\" ref=\"fileTexturePluginFragment\" />"
" <fragment_ref name=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\" ref=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\" />"
" </fragments>"
" <connections>"
" <connect from=\"fileTexturePluginFragment.output\" to=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput.fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\" />"
" </connections>"
" <properties>"
" <float2 name=\"uvCoord\" ref=\"fileTexturePluginFragment.uvCoord\" semantic=\"mayaUvCoordSemantic\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" />"
" <texture2 name=\"map\" ref=\"fileTexturePluginFragment.map\" />"
" <sampler name=\"textureSampler\" ref=\"fileTexturePluginFragment.textureSampler\" />"
" </properties>"
" <values>"
" </values>"
" <outputs>"
" <struct name=\"output\" ref=\"fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput.fileTexturePluginFragmentOutput\" />"
" </outputs>"
// Register fragments with the manager if needed
if (theRenderer)
if (fragmentMgr)
// Add fragments if needed
bool fragAdded = fragmentMgr->hasFragment(sFragmentName);
bool structAdded = fragmentMgr->hasFragment(sFragmentOutputName);
bool graphAdded = fragmentMgr->hasFragment(sFragmentGraphName);
if (!fragAdded)
fragAdded = (sFragmentName == fragmentMgr->addShadeFragmentFromBuffer(sFragmentBody, false));
if (!structAdded)
structAdded = (sFragmentOutputName == fragmentMgr->addShadeFragmentFromBuffer(sFragmentOutputBody, false));
if (!graphAdded)
graphAdded = (sFragmentGraphName == fragmentMgr->addFragmentGraphFromBuffer(sFragmentGraphBody));
// If we have them all, use the final graph for the override
if (fragAdded && structAdded && graphAdded)
fFragmentName = sFragmentGraphName;
fSamplerState = NULL;
MHWRender::DrawAPI FileNodeOverride::supportedDrawAPIs() const
MString FileNodeOverride::fragmentName() const
// Reset cached parameter names since the effect is being rebuilt
fResolvedMapName = "";
fResolvedSamplerName = "";
return fFragmentName;
void FileNodeOverride::getCustomMappings(
// Set up some mappings for the parameters on the file texture fragment,
// there is no correspondence to attributes on the node for the texture
// parameters.
"map", "", false, true);
"textureSampler", "", false, true);
void FileNodeOverride::updateDG()
// Pull the file name from the DG for use in updateShader
MStatus status;
MFnDependencyNode node(fObject, &status);
if (status)
MString name;
node.findPlug("fileName", true).getValue(name);
MRenderUtil::exactFileTextureName(name, false, "", "", fFileName);
void FileNodeOverride::updateShader(
// Handle resolved name caching
if (fResolvedMapName.length() == 0)
if (mapping)
fResolvedMapName = mapping->resolvedParameterName();
if (fResolvedSamplerName.length() == 0)
if (mapping)
fResolvedSamplerName = mapping->resolvedParameterName();
// Set the parameters on the shader
if (fResolvedMapName.length() > 0 && fResolvedSamplerName.length() > 0)
// Set sampler to linear-wrap
if (!fSamplerState)
desc.maxAnisotropy = 16;
if (fSamplerState)
shader.setParameter(fResolvedSamplerName, *fSamplerState);
// Set texture
if (renderer)
MHWRender::MTextureManager* textureManager =
if (textureManager)
textureManager->acquireTexture(fFileName, "");
if (texture)
MHWRender::MTextureAssignment textureAssignment;
textureAssignment.texture = texture;
shader.setParameter(fResolvedMapName, textureAssignment);
// release our reference now that it is set on the shader
bool FileNodeOverride::valueChangeRequiresFragmentRebuild(const MPlug* plug) const
if(*plug == FileNode::aColorSpace)
return true;
// Plugin Setup
static const MString sRegistrantId("fileTexturePlugin");
MStatus initializePlugin(MObject obj)
const MString UserClassify("texture/2d:drawdb/shader/texture/2d/fileTexture");
MFnPlugin plugin(obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "1.0", "Any");
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus uninitializePlugin(MObject obj)
MFnPlugin plugin(obj);
return MS::kSuccess;
// =====================================================================
// Copyright 2018 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This computer source code and related instructions and comments are
// the unpublished confidential and proprietary information of Autodesk,
// Inc. and are protected under applicable copyright and trade secret
// law. They may not be disclosed to, copied or used by any third party
// without the prior written consent of Autodesk, Inc.
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