C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
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// Example plugin: adjacentTrianglesPrimitiveGenerator.cpp
// This plug-in is an example of a custom MPxIndexBufferMutator.
// It provides custom primitives based on shader requirements coming from
// an MPxShaderOverride. The name() in the MIndexBufferDescriptor is used
// to signify a unique identifier for a custom buffer.
// Based on public domain code found here: http://prideout.net/blog/?p=54
#include "adjacentTrianglesPrimitiveGenerator.h"
#include <maya/MStatus.h>
#include <maya/MFnMesh.h>
#include <maya/MIntArray.h>
#include <maya/MFloatArray.h>
#include <maya/MPxVertexBufferGenerator.h>
#include <maya/MHWGeometry.h>
#include <maya/MDrawRegistry.h>
#include <maya/MComponentDataIndexing.h>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#if (_MSC_VER < 1600)
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
// Other compilers
#include <stdint.h>
struct HalfEdge;
typedef std::vector<HalfEdge> ThalfEdgeArray;
typedef std::unordered_map<uint64_t, size_t> TedgeAdjacencyIndex;
struct HalfEdge
uint64_t Vert; // Vertex index at the end of this half-edge
size_t Twin; // Oppositely oriented adjacent half-edge
size_t Next; // Next half-edge around the face
HalfEdge() : Vert(-1), Twin(-1), Next(-1) {};
bool hasTwin() const { return Twin != -1; };
size_t twinVert(const ThalfEdgeArray& edgeArray) const {
size_t next = edgeArray[Twin].Next;
return edgeArray[next].Vert;
struct VertexF
static const float kTolerance;
VertexF(const float* buffer, unsigned int index)
unsigned int bufferPos = index * 3;
x = buffer[bufferPos++];
y = buffer[bufferPos++];
z = buffer[bufferPos++];
bool isEqual(const VertexF &rhs) const
return (fabs(x - rhs.x) < kTolerance && fabs(y - rhs.y) < kTolerance && fabs(z - rhs.z) < kTolerance);
float x, y, z;
const float VertexF::kTolerance = 1e-5f;
bool operator< (const VertexF& lhs, const VertexF& rhs)
return ((lhs.x - rhs.x) < -VertexF::kTolerance) ||
(fabs(lhs.x - rhs.x) < VertexF::kTolerance && (lhs.y - rhs.y) < -VertexF::kTolerance) ||
(fabs(lhs.x - rhs.x) < VertexF::kTolerance && fabs(lhs.y - rhs.y) < VertexF::kTolerance && (lhs.z - rhs.z) < -VertexF::kTolerance);
struct VertexFMap
unsigned int getVertexId( const VertexF& v );
typedef std::map<VertexF, unsigned int> TVtxMap;
TVtxMap vertexMap;
void clear() { TVtxMap empty; vertexMap.swap(empty); }
unsigned int VertexFMap::getVertexId( const VertexF& v )
VertexFMap::TVtxMap::const_iterator itVtx = vertexMap.find(v);
if (itVtx != vertexMap.end())
return itVtx->second;
unsigned int nextId = (unsigned int)vertexMap.size();
return nextId;
AdjacentTrianglesPrimitiveGenerator::~AdjacentTrianglesPrimitiveGenerator() {}
void AdjacentTrianglesPrimitiveGenerator::mutateIndexBuffer( const MUintArray& originalBufferIndices,
const float* positionBufferFloat,
MHWRender::MGeometry::DataType indexBufferDataType,
void* indexData )
unsigned int numTriVerts = originalBufferIndices.length();
ThalfEdgeArray edgeArray;
TedgeAdjacencyIndex adjacencyIndex;
// Iterate all triangles found in the old index buffer:
unsigned int vertexIndex = 0;
unsigned int edgeIndex = 0;
VertexFMap vertexMap;
while (vertexIndex < numTriVerts)
unsigned int A = originalBufferIndices[vertexIndex++];
unsigned int vA = vertexMap.getVertexId(VertexF(positionBufferFloat, A));
unsigned int B = originalBufferIndices[vertexIndex++];
unsigned int vB = vertexMap.getVertexId(VertexF(positionBufferFloat, B));
unsigned int C = originalBufferIndices[vertexIndex++];
unsigned int vC = vertexMap.getVertexId(VertexF(positionBufferFloat, C));
// Create the half-edge that goes from C to A:
adjacencyIndex.insert(TedgeAdjacencyIndex::value_type(vC | (uint64_t(vA) << 32), edgeIndex));
edgeArray[edgeIndex].Vert = A;
edgeArray[edgeIndex].Next = 1 + edgeIndex;
// Create the half-edge that goes from A to B:
adjacencyIndex.insert(TedgeAdjacencyIndex::value_type(vA | (uint64_t(vB) << 32), edgeIndex));
edgeArray[edgeIndex].Vert = B;
edgeArray[edgeIndex].Next = 1 + edgeIndex;
// Create the half-edge that goes from B to C:
adjacencyIndex.insert(TedgeAdjacencyIndex::value_type(vB | (uint64_t(vC) << 32), edgeIndex));
edgeArray[edgeIndex].Vert = C;
edgeArray[edgeIndex].Next = edgeIndex - 2;
// Done with vertexMap:
if (adjacencyIndex.size() != numTriVerts)
// Bad mesh: duplicated edges or inconsistent winding.
// Populate the twin pointers by iterating over the index:
int boundaryCount = 0;
for (TedgeAdjacencyIndex::const_iterator it = adjacencyIndex.begin(); it != adjacencyIndex.end(); ++it)
uint64_t edgeKey = it->first;
size_t edgeIndex = it->second;
uint64_t twinKey = ((edgeKey & 0xffffffff) << 32) | (edgeKey >> 32);
TedgeAdjacencyIndex::const_iterator twinIt = adjacencyIndex.find(twinKey);
if (twinIt != adjacencyIndex.end())
edgeArray[twinIt->second].Twin = edgeIndex;
edgeArray[edgeIndex].Twin = twinIt->second;
// Done with adjacencyIndex:
TedgeAdjacencyIndex emptyIndex;
// Now that we have a half-edge structure, it's easy to create adjacency info:
if (boundaryCount > 0)
size_t destOffset = 0;
size_t edgeIndex = 0;
for (size_t faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < numTriVerts/3; ++faceIndex, edgeIndex += 3, destOffset += 6)
if (indexBufferDataType == MHWRender::MGeometry::kUnsignedInt32) {
unsigned int* pDest = ((unsigned int*)indexData) + destOffset;
pDest[0] = (unsigned int)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].Vert);
pDest[1] = (unsigned int)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].hasTwin() ? edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].twinVert(edgeArray) : pDest[0]);
pDest[2] = (unsigned int)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].Vert);
pDest[3] = (unsigned int)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].hasTwin() ? edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].twinVert(edgeArray) : pDest[2]);
pDest[4] = (unsigned int)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].Vert);
pDest[5] = (unsigned int)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].hasTwin() ? edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].twinVert(edgeArray) : pDest[4]);
else if (indexBufferDataType == MHWRender::MGeometry::kUnsignedInt16) {
unsigned short* pDest = ((unsigned short*)indexData) + destOffset;
pDest[0] = (unsigned short)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].Vert);
pDest[1] = (unsigned short)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].hasTwin() ? edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].twinVert(edgeArray) : pDest[0]);
pDest[2] = (unsigned short)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].Vert);
pDest[3] = (unsigned short)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].hasTwin() ? edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].twinVert(edgeArray) : pDest[2]);
pDest[4] = (unsigned short)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].Vert);
pDest[5] = (unsigned short)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].hasTwin() ? edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].twinVert(edgeArray) : pDest[4]);
else if (indexBufferDataType == MHWRender::MGeometry::kUnsignedChar) {
unsigned char* pDest = ((unsigned char*)indexData) + destOffset;
pDest[0] = (unsigned char)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].Vert);
pDest[1] = (unsigned char)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].hasTwin() ? edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].twinVert(edgeArray) : pDest[0]);
pDest[2] = (unsigned char)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].Vert);
pDest[3] = (unsigned char)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].hasTwin() ? edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].twinVert(edgeArray) : pDest[2]);
pDest[4] = (unsigned char)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].Vert);
pDest[5] = (unsigned char)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].hasTwin() ? edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].twinVert(edgeArray) : pDest[4]);
size_t destOffset = 0;
size_t edgeIndex = 0;
for (size_t faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < numTriVerts/3; ++faceIndex, edgeIndex += 3, destOffset += 6)
if (indexBufferDataType == MHWRender::MGeometry::kUnsignedInt32) {
unsigned int* pDest = ((unsigned int*)indexData) + destOffset;
pDest[0] = (unsigned int)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].Vert);
pDest[1] = (unsigned int)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].twinVert(edgeArray));
pDest[2] = (unsigned int)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].Vert);
pDest[3] = (unsigned int)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].twinVert(edgeArray));
pDest[4] = (unsigned int)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].Vert);
pDest[5] = (unsigned int)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].twinVert(edgeArray));
else if (indexBufferDataType == MHWRender::MGeometry::kUnsignedInt16) {
unsigned short* pDest = ((unsigned short*)indexData) + destOffset;
pDest[0] = (unsigned short)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].Vert);
pDest[1] = (unsigned short)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].twinVert(edgeArray));
pDest[2] = (unsigned short)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].Vert);
pDest[3] = (unsigned short)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].twinVert(edgeArray));
pDest[4] = (unsigned short)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].Vert);
pDest[5] = (unsigned short)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].twinVert(edgeArray));
else if (indexBufferDataType == MHWRender::MGeometry::kUnsignedChar) {
unsigned char* pDest = ((unsigned char*)indexData) + destOffset;
pDest[0] = (unsigned char)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].Vert);
pDest[1] = (unsigned char)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].twinVert(edgeArray));
pDest[2] = (unsigned char)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 0].Vert);
pDest[3] = (unsigned char)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].twinVert(edgeArray));
pDest[4] = (unsigned char)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 1].Vert);
pDest[5] = (unsigned char)(edgeArray[edgeIndex + 2].twinVert(edgeArray));
MHWRender::MGeometry::Primitive AdjacentTrianglesPrimitiveGenerator::mutateIndexing(const MHWRender::MComponentDataIndexingList& sourceIndexBuffers,
const MHWRender::MVertexBufferArray& vertexBuffers,
int& primitiveStride) const
MHWRender::MVertexBuffer *positionBuffer = NULL;
for (unsigned int ivb = 0; ivb < vertexBuffers.count() && positionBuffer == NULL; ++ivb)
MHWRender::MVertexBuffer *currBuffer = vertexBuffers.getBuffer(ivb);
if (positionBuffer == NULL && currBuffer->descriptor().semantic() == MHWRender::MGeometry::kPosition)
positionBuffer = currBuffer;
if (positionBuffer == NULL)
// We need at least the positions:
float* positionBufferFloat = (float*)positionBuffer->map();
for (int x = 0; x < sourceIndexBuffers.length(); ++x)
if (sourceIndexBuffers[x]->componentType() != MHWRender::MComponentDataIndexing::kFaceVertex)
const MUintArray& originalBufferIndices = sourceIndexBuffers[x]->indices();
unsigned int numTriVerts = originalBufferIndices.length();
unsigned int numTri = numTriVerts / 3;
unsigned int triSize = 6;
unsigned int bufferSize = numTri * triSize;
void* indexData = indexBuffer.acquire(bufferSize, true /*writeOnly - we don't need the current buffer values*/);
if (indexData != NULL)
mutateIndexBuffer( originalBufferIndices, positionBufferFloat,
indexBuffer.dataType(), indexData );
if (positionBuffer) positionBuffer->unmap();
primitiveStride = triSize;
if (positionBuffer) positionBuffer->unmap();
// This is the primitive generator creation function registered with the DrawRegistry.
// Used to initialize a custom primitive generator.
MHWRender::MPxIndexBufferMutator* AdjacentTrianglesPrimitiveGenerator::createAdjacentTrianglesPrimitiveGenerator()
return new AdjacentTrianglesPrimitiveGenerator();