C++ API Reference
#ifndef _gpuCacheSelect_h_
#define _gpuCacheSelect_h_
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
#include "gpuCacheGeometry.h"
#include "gpuCacheVBOProxy.h"
namespace GPUCache {
* CLASS Select
// Abstract API for selecting geometry.
class Select
typedef unsigned int index_t;
virtual ~Select();
// Process edges to determine if they fall within the selection
// region.
virtual void processEdges(const SubNode::Ptr rootNode,
double seconds,
size_t numWires,
VBOProxy::VBOMode vboMode) = 0;
// Process triangles to determine if they fall within the
// selection region.
virtual void processTriangles(const SubNode::Ptr rootNode,
double seconds,
size_t triangles,
VBOProxy::VBOMode vboMode) = 0;
// Process the bounding box to determine if it falls within the
// selection region.
virtual void processBoundingBox(const SubNode::Ptr rootNode,
double seconds) = 0;
// End rasterization selection mode.
// If a selection hit occurred, minZ() will be set to the depth of
// the closest selection hit in the range [0..1]. If no selection
// hit occurred, minZ() will be set to
// std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
virtual void end() = 0;
// Returns whether any primitives actually falls within the
// selection region. The returned value is undefined if end() has
// never been called before.
virtual bool isSelected() const = 0;
// Returns minimum Z value. The returned value is undefined if
// end() has never been called before.
// If a selection hit occurred, minZ() will be set to the depth
// of the closest selection hit in the range [0..1]. If no
// selection hit occurred, minZ() will be set to
// std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
virtual float minZ() const = 0;
} // namespace GPUCache