C++ API Reference
#ifndef _gpuCacheVramQuery_h_
#define _gpuCacheVramQuery_h_
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
#include <maya/MTypes.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
namespace GPUCache {
* CLASS VramQuery
// Helper class used to query the dedicated video memory
class VramQuery
/*----- static member functions -----*/
static MUint64 queryVram();
// Returns whether the graphic card of the host computer is an
// nVidia GeForce Graphic Card.
static bool isGeforce();
// Returns whether the graphic card of the host computer is an
// nVidia Quadro Graphic Card.
static bool isQuadro();
// Returns the manufacturer of the graphic card
static const MString& manufacturer();
// Returns the model of the graphic card
static const MString& model();
// Returns the driver version.
// Currently, this function only works on windows NVIDIA/AMD
static void driverVersion(int version[3]);
/*----- member functions -----*/
// Forbidden and not implemented.
VramQuery(const VramQuery&);
const VramQuery& operator=(const VramQuery&);
/*----- member functions -----*/
// Vram query functions for different platforms
#if defined(_WIN32)
static void queryVramAndDriverWMI(MUint64& vram, int driverVersion[3], MString& manufacturer, MString& model);
static MUint64 queryVramDXGI();
#elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACH__)
static void queryVramAndDriverMAC(MUint64& vram, int driverVersion[3], MString& manufacturer, MString& model);
static void queryVramAndDriverXORG(MUint64& vram, int driverVersion[3], MString& manufacturer, MString& model);
static MUint64 queryVramOGL();
static bool isGeforceOGL();
static bool isQuadroOGL();
/*----- static member functions -----*/
static const VramQuery& getInstance();
/*----- member functions -----*/
/*----- data members -----*/
MUint64 fVram;
int fDriverVersion[3];
bool fIsGeforce;
bool fIsQuadro;
MString fManufacturer;
MString fModel;