C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
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// File: identityNode.cpp
// Description:
// Empty implementation of a deformer. This node
// performs no deformation and is basically an empty
// shell that can be used to create actual deformers.
// Use this script to create a simple example with the identity node.
// loadPlugin identityNode;
// polyTorus -r 1 -sr 0.5 -tw 0 -sx 50 -sy 50 -ax 0 1 0 -cuv 1 -ch 1;
// deformer -type "identity";
// setKeyframe -v 0 -at weightList[0].weights[0] -t 1 identity1;
// setKeyframe -v 1 -at weightList[0].weights[0] -t 60 identity1;
// select -cl;
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MStringArray.h>
#include <maya/MPxDeformerNode.h>
#include <maya/MItGeometry.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MPxGPUDeformer.h>
#include <maya/MGPUDeformerRegistry.h>
#include <maya/MOpenCLInfo.h>
#include <clew/clew_cl.h>
class identityNode : public MPxDeformerNode
static void* creator();
static MStatus initialize();
// Deformation function
MItGeometry& iter,
const MMatrix& mat,
unsigned int multiIndex) override;
static const MTypeId id;
const MTypeId identityNode::id( 0x8000d );
void* identityNode::creator()
return new identityNode();
MStatus identityNode::initialize()
identityNode::deform( MDataBlock& block,
MItGeometry& iter,
const MMatrix& /*m*/,
unsigned int multiIndex)
// Method: deform
// Description: "Deforms" the point with an identity transformation
// Arguments:
// block : the datablock of the node
// iter : an iterator for the geometry to be deformed
// m : matrix to transform the point into world space
// multiIndex : the index of the geometry that we are deforming
MStatus returnStatus;
// Iterate through each point in the geometry.
for ( ; !iter.isDone(); iter.next()) {
MPoint pt = iter.position();
// Perform some calculation on pt.
// ...
// Set the final position.
return returnStatus;
// The GPU override implementation of the identityNode
class identityGPUDeformer : public MPxGPUDeformer
static MGPUDeformerRegistrationInfo* getGPUDeformerInfo();
static bool validateNodeInGraph(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode&, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages);
static bool validateNodeValues(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode&, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages);
// Virtual methods from MPxGPUDeformer
~identityGPUDeformer() override;
// Implementation of MPxGPUDeformer.
MPxGPUDeformer::DeformerStatus evaluate(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& outputPlug, const MGPUDeformerData& inputData, MGPUDeformerData& outputData) override;
void terminate() override;
// Kernel
MAutoCLKernel fKernel;
size_t fLocalWorkSize;
size_t fGlobalWorkSize;
// registration information for the identity GPU deformer.
class identityGPUDeformerInfo : public MGPUDeformerRegistrationInfo
~identityGPUDeformerInfo() override{}
return new identityGPUDeformer();
bool validateNodeInGraph(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages) override
return identityGPUDeformer::validateNodeInGraph(block, evaluationNode, plug, messages);
bool validateNodeValues(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages) override
return identityGPUDeformer::validateNodeValues(block, evaluationNode, plug, messages);
MGPUDeformerRegistrationInfo* identityGPUDeformer::getGPUDeformerInfo()
static identityGPUDeformerInfo theOne;
return &theOne;
bool identityGPUDeformer::validateNodeInGraph(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages)
// Support everything.
return true;
bool identityGPUDeformer::validateNodeValues(MDataBlock& block, const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode, const MPlug& plug, MStringArray* messages)
// Support everything.
return true;
MPxGPUDeformer::DeformerStatus identityGPUDeformer::evaluate(
MDataBlock& block,
const MEvaluationNode& evaluationNode,
const MPlug& plug,
const MGPUDeformerData& inputData,
MGPUDeformerData& outputData
const MGPUDeformerBuffer inputPositions = inputData.getBuffer(MPxGPUDeformer::sPositionsName());
MGPUDeformerBuffer outputPositions = createOutputBuffer(inputPositions);
if (!inputPositions.isValid() || !outputPositions.isValid()) return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
unsigned int numElements = inputPositions.elementCount();
cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS;
// Setup OpenCL kernel.
if ( !fKernel.get() )
// Get and compile the kernel.
const char* mayaLocation = getenv( "MAYA_LOCATION" );
MString openCLKernelFile( mayaLocation );
openCLKernelFile +="/../Extra/devkitBase/devkit/plug-ins/identityNode/identity.cl";
MString openCLKernelName("identity");
MAutoCLKernel kernel = MOpenCLInfo::getOpenCLKernel( openCLKernelFile, openCLKernelName );
if ( kernel.isNull() )
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
fKernel = kernel;
// Figure out a good work group size for our kernel.
fLocalWorkSize = 0;
fGlobalWorkSize = 0;
size_t retSize = 0;
err = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(
if ( err != CL_SUCCESS || retSize == 0 || fLocalWorkSize == 0)
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
// Global work size must be a multiple of local work size.
const size_t remain = numElements % fLocalWorkSize;
if ( remain )
fGlobalWorkSize = numElements + ( fLocalWorkSize - remain );
fGlobalWorkSize = numElements;
// Set all of our kernel parameters. Input buffer and output buffer may be changing every frame
// so always set them.
unsigned int parameterId = 0;
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)outputPositions.buffer().getReadOnlyRef());
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_mem), (void*)inputPositions.buffer().getReadOnlyRef());
err = clSetKernelArg(fKernel.get(), parameterId++, sizeof(cl_uint), (void*)&numElements);
// Set up our input events. The input event could be NULL, in that case we need to pass
// slightly different parameters into clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.
cl_event events[ 1 ] = { 0 };
cl_uint eventCount = 0;
if (inputPositions.bufferReadyEvent().get() )
events[ eventCount++ ] = inputPositions.bufferReadyEvent().get();
// Run the kernel
MAutoCLEvent kernelFinishedEvent;
err = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(
fKernel.get() ,
1 ,
&fGlobalWorkSize ,
&fLocalWorkSize ,
eventCount ,
eventCount ? events : NULL ,
if ( err != CL_SUCCESS )
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerFailure;
return MPxGPUDeformer::kDeformerSuccess;
void identityGPUDeformer::terminate()
// standard initialization procedures
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus result;
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");
result = plugin.registerNode(
"identity" ,
identityNode::id ,
&identityNode::creator ,
&identityNode::initialize ,
MString nodeClassName("identity");
MString registrantId("mayaPluginExample");
return result;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )
MStatus result;
MString nodeClassName("identity");
MString registrantId("mayaPluginExample");
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
result = plugin.deregisterNode( identityNode::id );
return result;