C++ API Reference
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// This sample plugin is slightly more complicated that the InterpZero plugin in
// that it makes use of the setSpan() method to perform some setup before evaluation
// begins. In this case, it stores the starting keyframe value so it can be
// returned for all evaluations.
#include <maya/MFnAnimCurve.h>
#include <maya/MPxAnimCurveInterpolator.h>
#include <maya/MTime.h>
#include "interpFlat.h"
// Static initialization
MFnAnimCurve::TangentType interpFlat::id = MFnAnimCurve::kTangentShared4;
// Constructor and destructor
interpFlat::interpFlat() {}
interpFlat::~interpFlat() {}
// Creator
void* interpFlat::creator()
return new interpFlat();
// The span is being setup for evaluation. Store the starting
// keyframe value.
void interpFlat::initialize(const MObject &animCurve, unsigned int interval)
fObj = animCurve;
fInterval = interval;
// Evaluate the curve at the given time.
double interpFlat::evaluate(const MTime &val)
// Just return the keyframe value at the start of the interval.
MFnAnimCurve curveFn(fObj);
return curveFn.value(fInterval);