C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
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// File Name: narrowPolyViewer.cpp
// Description:
// A simple test of the MPx3dModelView code.
// A view that allows multiple cameras to be added is made.
#include "narrowPolyViewer.h"
#include <maya/MItDag.h>
#include <maya/MStringArray.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MItSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MFnMesh.h>
#include <maya/MItMeshVertex.h>
#include <maya/MItMeshPolygon.h>
#include <maya/MPointArray.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MGL.h>
#include <math.h>
: fDrawManips(true)
, fLightTest(false)
tol = 10;
MStatus narrowPolyViewer::setCameraList(const MDagPathArray &cameraList)
// Description:
// Replace the contents of fCameraList with the passed list of cameras.
unsigned ii = 0;
unsigned nCameras = cameraList.length();
for (ii = 0; ii < nCameras; ++ii) {
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus narrowPolyViewer::getCameraList(MDagPathArray &cameraList) const
// Description:
// Fills the passed camera list with the current camera list used by
// this view. The default camera is not added to the list. Also, the list
// is cleared of any previous values.
unsigned ii = 0;
unsigned nCameras = fCameraList.length();
for (ii = 0; ii < nCameras; ++ii) {
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus narrowPolyViewer::getCameraList(MStringArray &cameraList) const
// Description:
// Fills the passed camera list with the current camera list used by
// this view. The default camera is not added to the list. Also, the list
// is cleared of any previous values.
unsigned ii = 0;
unsigned nCameras = fCameraList.length();
for (ii = 0; ii < nCameras; ++ii) {
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus narrowPolyViewer::appendCamera(const MDagPath &camera)
// Description:
// Append a camera to the list of cameras used by this view.
MStatus ReturnStatus = fCameraList.append(camera);
return ReturnStatus;
MStatus narrowPolyViewer::removeCamera(const MDagPath &camera)
// Description:
// Removes the specified camera from the list of cameras. If the
// camera is not on the list, it is still considered removed.
// Loop backwards to avoid any array resize problems.
int ii = 0;
bool cameraRemoved = false;
int nCameras = (int)fCameraList.length();
for (ii = nCameras - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (camera == fCameraList[ii]) {
cameraRemoved = true;
if (cameraRemoved) {
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus narrowPolyViewer::removeAllCameras()
// Description:
// Remove all cameras from the list.
MStatus ReturnStatus = fCameraList.clear();
return ReturnStatus;
MString narrowPolyViewer::getCameraHUDName()
MString hudName("narrowPolyViewer: ");
// Oops, well this method should be non-const, or there
// should be a const version of get camera. For now, we will
// live with a cast.
MDagPath cameraPath;
hudName += cameraPath.partialPathName();
return hudName;
MStatus narrowPolyViewer::setIsolateSelect(MSelectionList &list)
return setObjectsToView(list);
MStatus narrowPolyViewer::setIsolateSelectOff()
return setViewSelected(false);
MStatus narrowPolyViewer::setLightTest(MSelectionList &list)
MStatus ReturnStatus = MS::kSuccess;
MItSelectionList it(list, MFn::kLight, &ReturnStatus);
if (MS::kSuccess != ReturnStatus) {
return ReturnStatus;
for (; !it.isDone(); it.next()) {
MDagPath lightPath;
if (MS::kSuccess != it.getDagPath(lightPath)) {
if (fLightList.length() > 0) {
fLightTest = true;
return ReturnStatus;
void narrowPolyViewer::preMultipleDraw()
fCurrentPass = 0;
fDrawManips = false;
MDagPath oldCamera;
MStatus status = getCamera(oldCamera);
if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
fOldCamera = oldCamera;
// Clear the test camera list
// get the first item in the selection list
MStatus stat;
MDagPath dagPath;
stat = sList.getDagPath(0, dagPath);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) return;
MItMeshPolygon itMeshPolygon(dagPath, MObject::kNullObj, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess) return;
// Iterate over all faces on the mesh
for (; !itMeshPolygon.isDone(); itMeshPolygon.next())
MPointArray points;
itMeshPolygon.getPoints(points, MSpace::kWorld, &stat);
int length = points.length();
// Only care about triangles
if (length == 3)
// Iterate over all points on the triangle face and if the angle
// between any 2 sides are less than the tolerance, then draw the
// triangle white
for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
// get the points of the triangle
MPoint p = points[i];
MPoint p1 = points[(i+1)%length];
MPoint p2 = points[(i+2)%length];
// create the 2 adjacent vectors to the current point
MVector v1(p1 - p);
MVector v2(p2 - p);
// get the angle between the two vectors in degrees
double angle = v1.angle(v2) * 180 / 3.14159;
// Dump some data
#if 0
MString astr = "The angle is : ";
astr += angle;
astr += " tolerance : ";
astr += tol;
// if angle less than tolerance then draw the triangle white
if ( (fabs( angle - tol ) < .0001) || angle < tol )
glVertex3f((float)points[0].x, (float)points[0].y, (float)points[0].z);
glVertex3f((float)points[1].x, (float)points[1].y, (float)points[1].z);
glVertex3f((float)points[2].x, (float)points[2].y, (float)points[2].z);
void narrowPolyViewer::postMultipleDraw()
MStatus status = setCamera(fOldCamera);
fDrawManips = true;
if (MS::kSuccess != status) {
void narrowPolyViewer::preMultipleDrawPass(unsigned index)
fCurrentPass = index;
MStatus status;
if (MS::kSuccess != (status = setDisplayAxis(false))) {
if (MS::kSuccess != (status = setDisplayAxisAtOrigin(false))) {
if (MS::kSuccess != (status = setDisplayCameraAnnotation(false))) {
MDagPath dagPath;
// Draw the main camera first.
if (fCurrentPass == 0) {
} else {
unsigned nCameras = fCameraList.length();
if (fCurrentPass <= nCameras) {
dagPath = fCameraList[fCurrentPass-1];
} else {
cerr << "Error ... too many passes specified: "
<< fCurrentPass << endl;
if (MS::kSuccess != (status = setCameraInDraw(dagPath))) {
// Add the camera to the list of cameras used.
MString thisCameraPath = dagPath.partialPathName();
// Turn on the display of everything, then selectively disable
// things.
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayEverything, true);
// Only draw manips and grids for the main cameras.
// Also do not draw lights, cameras, ikHandles, dimensions,
// and selection handles for non-main cameras.
if (dagPath == fOldCamera) {
fDrawManips = true;
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayGrid, true);
// For testing purposes, verify that the display grid is
// properly set.
if (!objectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayGrid)) {
MGlobal::displayError("objectDisplay kDisplayGrid should be true!");
// Add fog for the main camera
if (MS::kSuccess != (status = setFogEnabled(true))) {
if (!isFogEnabled()) {
MGlobal::displayError("setFogEnabled did not work!");
// Turn off background fog. If not set, background fog would be
// used.
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayLights, true);
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayCameras, true);
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayIkHandles, true);
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayDimensions, true);
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplaySelectHandles, true);
// Draw some text in the main view.
MPoint textPos(0, 0, 0);
MString str("Main View");
drawText(str, textPos, M3dView::kLeft);
} else {
fDrawManips = false;
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayGrid, false);
// For testing purposes, verify that the display grid is
// properly set.
if (objectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayGrid)) {
"objectDisplay kDisplayGrid should be false!");
if (MS::kSuccess != (status = setFogEnabled(false))) {
if (isFogEnabled()) {
MGlobal::displayError("setFogEnabled did not work!");
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayLights, false);
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayCameras, false);
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayIkHandles, false);
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayDimensions, false);
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplaySelectHandles, false);
if (fLightTest) {
unsigned step = 4;
unsigned min = 0 + (fCurrentPass * step);
unsigned max = (fCurrentPass * step);
if (max > 0) {
unsigned nLights = fLightList.length();
if (nLights < min) {
} else {
if (nLights < max) {
max = nLights;
unsigned ii = 0;
for (ii = min; ii < max; ii++) {
} else {
// Make every other pass alternate between shaded and wireframe.
if (fCurrentPass % 2 == 0) {
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayNurbsSurfaces, true);
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayNurbsCurves, true);
void narrowPolyViewer::postMultipleDrawPass(unsigned index)
// Until better control over selection and picking is exposed,
// turn on the display of everything after drawing. The selection
// methods will not consider things that are not visible.
// If picking masks are to be used for the view, set them
// here.
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::kDisplayEverything, true);
bool narrowPolyViewer::okForMultipleDraw(const MDagPath &dagPath)
// Don't draw manipulators unless the fDrawManips value is true.
if (!fDrawManips && dagPath.hasFn(MFn::kManipulator3D)) {
return false;
return true;
unsigned narrowPolyViewer::multipleDrawPassCount()
// The camera list plus the main camera.
return fCameraList.length() + 1;
void narrowPolyViewer::removingCamera(MDagPath &cameraPath)
// Description:
// A method that is called when the passed camera path is
// being deleted. Be sure to reemove any call to this
// camera.
int ii = 0;
int nCameras = (int)fCameraList.length();
for (ii = nCameras - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) {
if (cameraPath == fCameraList[ii]) {
void * narrowPolyViewer::creator()
return new narrowPolyViewer();
MStatus narrowPolyViewer::copy(MPx3dModelView &src)
// Description:
// Copy the contents for the src and put them
// into this.
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus narrowPolyViewer::swap(MPx3dModelView &src)
// Description:
// Swap out the contents for the src and put them
// into this.
return MS::kSuccess;
MString narrowPolyViewer::viewType() const
// Description:
// Returns a string with the type of the view.
return MString("narrowPolyViewer");