C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
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#ifndef __POLYWRITER_H
#define __POLYWRITER_H
// polyWriter.h
// *****************************************************************************
// CLASS: polyWriter
// *****************************************************************************
// polyWriter is a class used for creating polygonal mesh exporter plugins. Its
// purpose is to output polygonal mesh data in the format required.
// To use this class, derive a new class and begin by adding the following *.h
// files:
// #include <maya/MFStream.h>
// The following functions must be implemented:
// constructor - which takes in MDagPath and MStatus object addresses
// destructor - which destroys any objects created in the constructor
// writeToFile() - which performs the actual data export
// outputSingleSet() - which performs the export of a particular polygonal set
// on the mesh
// The extractGeometry() function may be overridden to extract more data that
// it is doing currently, but be sure to call this class' extractGeometry()
// method as its first operation so that essential data is extracted.
// It is recommended that smaller helper functions are added to any derived
// classes, to export and format specific data about the mesh.
// Once the derived class has been defined, create and return a new object of
// this type in the createPolyWriter() function that must be defined in any
// class derived from the polyExporter class.
// For examples, see the classes polyRawWriter and polyX3DWriter
// *****************************************************************************
#include <maya/MFnMesh.h>
#include <maya/MPointArray.h>
#include <maya/MFloatVectorArray.h>
#include <maya/MFloatArray.h>
class polyWriter {
polyWriter (MDagPath dagPath, MStatus& status);
virtual ~polyWriter ();
virtual MStatus extractGeometry ();
virtual MStatus writeToFile (ostream & os) = 0;
MObject findShader (const MObject& setNode);
virtual MStatus outputSets (ostream& os);
virtual MStatus outputSingleSet (ostream& os,
MString setName,
MIntArray faces,
MString textureName) = 0;
static void outputTabs (ostream & os, unsigned int tabCount);
//Data Members
//the current UV set's name
MString fCurrentUVSetName;
//for storing general mesh information
MPointArray fVertexArray;
MColorArray fColorArray;
MFloatVectorArray fNormalArray;
MFloatVectorArray fTangentArray;
MFloatVectorArray fBinormalArray;
//for storing DAG objects
MFnMesh* fMesh;
MDagPath* fDagPath;
MObjectArray fPolygonSets;
MObjectArray fPolygonComponents;
#endif /*__POLYWRITER_H*/