C++ API Reference
#include "assemblyReferenceInitialRep.h"
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MFnAssembly.h>
namespace {
// Preamble added to python calls
const MString pyPreamble1("import maya.app.sceneAssembly.assemblyReferenceInitialRep as iRep\n");
const MString pyPreamble2("ir=iRep.assemblyReferenceInitialRep()\n");
// Global enable/disable of the feature
// TODO: could add an env variable or other external mechanism to control this
bool fsEnable = true;
// Read in the initial representation data from a top level assembly node
// Note: it is expected that reader() will be called before calls to
// getInitialRep attempt to acces the data.
bool assemblyReferenceInitialRep::reader(const MObject &rootAssembly)
if (!fsEnable)
return true;
MFnAssembly aFn(rootAssembly);
MStatus status;
MString pyCmd;
// Invoke: assemblyReferenceInitialRep.reader(rootAssemblyName)
pyCmd += pyPreamble1;
pyCmd += pyPreamble2;
pyCmd += "ir.reader(\'";
pyCmd += aFn.name();
pyCmd += "\')\n";
return status == MStatus::kSuccess;
// Write out the initial representation for a top level assembly node
bool assemblyReferenceInitialRep::writer(const MObject &rootAssembly) const
if (!fsEnable)
return true;
MFnAssembly aFn(rootAssembly);
MStatus status;
MString pyCmd;
// Invoke: assemblyReferenceInitialRep.writer(rootAssemblyName)
pyCmd += pyPreamble1;
pyCmd += pyPreamble2;
pyCmd += "ir.writer(\'";
pyCmd += aFn.name();
pyCmd += "\')\n";
return status == MStatus::kSuccess;
// Get the initial representation for an assembly node
// Note: it is expected that reader() will have been previously called
// to initialize the initialRep data.
MString assemblyReferenceInitialRep::getInitialRep(const MObject &targetAssembly, bool &hasInitialRep) const
if (!fsEnable)
return MString();
MFnAssembly aFn(targetAssembly);
MString result;
MStringArray stringArrayResult;
// Invoke: assemblyReferenceInitialRep.getInitialRep(targetAssemblyName)
// Note: to get string result from python, it must execute a single command,
// so wrap it in a proc
MString pyCmd1;
pyCmd1 = "def tempGetInitialRepProc():\n";
pyCmd1 += "\t" + pyPreamble1;
pyCmd1 += "\t" + pyPreamble2;
pyCmd1 += "\treturn ir.getInitialRep(\'";
pyCmd1 += aFn.name();
pyCmd1 += "\')\n";
MString pyCmd2;
pyCmd2 = "tempGetInitialRepProc()";
MGlobal::executePythonCommand(pyCmd2, stringArrayResult);
// The Python boolean value has been converted to a string since it's returned in a MStringArray.
hasInitialRep = stringArrayResult[1] == "True";
return stringArrayResult[0];
// Clear the initial representation data that for a top level assembly node
// Note: The data would have been previously read in by the reader() method.
// This method can be called when the data is not longer required (subsequent
// calls to getInitialRep will not return any data).
bool assemblyReferenceInitialRep::clear(const MObject &rootAssembly) const
if (!fsEnable)
return true;
MFnAssembly aFn(rootAssembly);
MStatus status;
MString pyCmd;
// Invoke: assemblyReferenceInitialRep.clear(rootAssemblyName)
pyCmd += pyPreamble1;
pyCmd += pyPreamble2;
pyCmd += "ir.clear(\'";
pyCmd += aFn.name();
pyCmd += "\')\n";
return status == MStatus::kSuccess;
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy
// form.