C++ API Reference
// ===========================================================================
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
// ===========================================================================
// This is the implementation of MPxShadingNodeOverride that tells Maya
// how to build and manage a VP2 shading fragment for the simpleNoiseShader node
// in the DG.
// In addition to registering fragments and associating a fragment graph with
// the node, this override also manages some additional parameters on the final
// shading effect. Specifically, the fragment defines a texture and sampler
// parameter pair for the noise lookup table. Those parameters are not
// associated with any attributes on the Maya node and thus must be handled
// manually.
// The noise lookup table is a complete copy of Maya's noise table accessed
// through MRenderUtil::valueInNoiseTable(). This is packed into a 3D texture
// which the pixel shader can sample to get noise values to produce a result
// that is consistent with the compute() method of the simpleNoiseShader node.
// A static method handles the definition and registration of the actual
// shading fragments and the final fragment graph. Please see the comments in
// registerFragments() for more details.
#include "simpleNoiseShaderOverride.h"
#include <maya/MViewport2Renderer.h>
#include <maya/MFragmentManager.h>
#include <maya/MTextureManager.h>
#include <maya/MShaderManager.h>
#include <maya/MRenderUtil.h>
#include <vector>
#include <assert.h>
// Implementation-specific data and helper functions
const MString sFinalFragmentGraphName("simpleNoise");
const MString sNoiseLookupTextureName("simpleNoiseLookupTexture");
const std::vector<float>& GetMayaNoiseTable()
// Static so as to only pull the noise data once (it's constant)
static std::vector<float> sNoiseData;
if (sNoiseData.empty())
// Pack entire noise table into an array, remapping from
// the [-1,1] range to the [0,1] range. The pixel shader
// will do the inverse operation to extract the real
// data from the texture.
const unsigned int dataSize = MRenderUtil::noiseTableSize();
for (unsigned int i=0; i<dataSize; i++)
sNoiseData[i] = (MRenderUtil::valueInNoiseTable(i) + 1.0f)/2.0f;
assert(sNoiseData.size() == MRenderUtil::noiseTableSize());
return sNoiseData;
MHWRender::MPxShadingNodeOverride* simpleNoiseShaderOverride::creator(
const MObject& obj)
return new simpleNoiseShaderOverride(obj);
simpleNoiseShaderOverride::simpleNoiseShaderOverride(const MObject& obj)
: MPxShadingNodeOverride(obj)
, fObject(obj)
, fNoiseTexture(NULL)
, fNoiseSamplerState(NULL)
, fResolvedNoiseMapName("")
, fResolvedNoiseSamplerName("")
// Release texture
if (renderer)
if (textureMgr)
fNoiseTexture = NULL;
// Release sampler state
fNoiseSamplerState = NULL;
MHWRender::DrawAPI simpleNoiseShaderOverride::supportedDrawAPIs() const
// Support all available draw APIs (all fragments have an implementation for
// each).
MString simpleNoiseShaderOverride::fragmentName() const
// Reset cached parameter names since the effect is being rebuilt
fResolvedNoiseMapName = "";
fResolvedNoiseSamplerName = "";
// Return the name of the full fragment graph
return sFinalFragmentGraphName;
void simpleNoiseShaderOverride::getCustomMappings(
// Set up some mappings for the noise map parameters on fragment, as there
// is no correspondence to attributes on the node for them.
"noiseLookupMap", "", false, true);
"noiseLookupMapSampler", "", false, true);
void simpleNoiseShaderOverride::updateShader(
// Handle resolved name caching
if (fResolvedNoiseMapName.length() == 0)
if (mapping)
fResolvedNoiseMapName = mapping->resolvedParameterName();
if (fResolvedNoiseSamplerName.length() == 0)
if (mapping)
fResolvedNoiseSamplerName = mapping->resolvedParameterName();
// Set the parameters on the shader
if (fResolvedNoiseMapName.length() > 0 &&
fResolvedNoiseSamplerName.length() > 0)
// Set a point-clamp sampler to the shader
if (!fNoiseSamplerState)
desc.addressU = desc.addressV = desc.addressW =
desc.minLOD = 0;
desc.maxLOD = 0;
fNoiseSamplerState =
if (fNoiseSamplerState)
shader.setParameter(fResolvedNoiseSamplerName, *fNoiseSamplerState);
// Generate the noise lookup table texture if necessary
if (!fNoiseTexture)
renderer ? renderer->getTextureManager() : NULL;
if (textureMgr)
// First, search the texture cache to see if another instance of
// this override has already generated the texture. We can reuse
// it to save GPU memory since the noise data is constant.
fNoiseTexture =
// Not in cache, so we need to actually build the texture
if (!fNoiseTexture)
// Get Maya's noise table
const std::vector<float>& noiseData = GetMayaNoiseTable();
// Create a 3D texture containing the data
desc.fWidth = desc.fHeight = desc.fDepth =
desc.fMipmaps = 1;
fNoiseTexture = textureMgr->acquireTexture(
(const void*)&(noiseData[0]),
// Set the texture to the shader instance
if (fNoiseTexture)
MHWRender::MTextureAssignment textureAssignment;
textureAssignment.texture = fNoiseTexture;
shader.setParameter(fResolvedNoiseMapName, textureAssignment);
// Static fragment registration/deregistration methods called from plugin
// init/unint functions. Only need to be called once.
MStatus simpleNoiseShaderOverride::registerFragments()
// Get fragment manager for registration
// No fragment manager, fail
if (!fragmentMgr) return MS::kFailure;
// Fragments are already registered, return success
if (fragmentMgr->hasFragment(sFinalFragmentGraphName)) return MS::kSuccess;
MString fragmentName;
char* fragmentBody = NULL;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Struct declaration fragment. This fragment provides the declaration of
// the output structure of the simple noise fragment graph giving support
// for multiple outputs. The struct fragment must be a part of the final
// fragment graph in order to ensure that the fragment system includes
// the declaration of the struct in the final effect.
fragmentName = "simpleNoiseOutput";
fragmentBody =
"<fragment uiName=\"simpleNoiseOutput\" name=\"simpleNoiseOutput\" type=\"structure\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\"> \r\n"
" <description><![CDATA[Struct output for simple noise shader]]></description> \r\n"
" <properties> \r\n"
" <struct name=\"simpleNoiseOutput\" struct_name=\"simpleNoiseOutput\" /> \r\n"
" </properties> \r\n"
" <values> \r\n"
" </values> \r\n"
" <outputs> \r\n"
" <alias name=\"simpleNoiseOutput\" struct_name=\"simpleNoiseOutput\" /> \r\n"
" <float3 name=\"outColor\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"outAlpha\" /> \r\n"
" </outputs> \r\n"
" <implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"\" /> \r\n"
" <declaration name=\"simpleNoiseOutput\"><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"struct simpleNoiseOutput \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" float3 outColor; \r\n"
" float outAlpha; \r\n"
"}; \r\n"
" ]]></declaration> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"\" /> \r\n"
" <declaration name=\"simpleNoiseOutput\"><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"struct simpleNoiseOutput \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" float3 outColor; \r\n"
" float outAlpha; \r\n"
"}; \r\n"
" ]]></declaration> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"\" /> \r\n"
" <declaration name=\"simpleNoiseOutput\"><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"struct simpleNoiseOutput \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" vec3 outColor; \r\n"
" float outAlpha; \r\n"
"}; \r\n"
" ]]></declaration> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
"</fragment> \r\n";
if (fragmentName != fragmentMgr->addShadeFragmentFromBuffer(fragmentBody, false)) return MS::kFailure;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Actual noise computation fragment. Based on Maya's "wave" noise type
// from the 2d procedural noise texture node. Computes a struct output
// containing both color and alpha to match the outputs of the DG node.
// Uses a 3D texture loaded with the entire Maya noise table for generating
// results consistent with the compute() method of the associated node.
fragmentName = "simpleNoiseBase";
fragmentBody =
"<fragment uiName=\"simpleNoiseBase\" name=\"simpleNoiseBase\" type=\"plumbing\" class=\"ShadeFragment\" version=\"1.0\"> \r\n"
" <description><![CDATA[Computes simple 2D procedural noise]]></description> \r\n"
" <properties> \r\n"
" <float2 name=\"uvCoord\" semantic=\"mayaUvCoordSemantic\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" /> \r\n"
" <texture3 name=\"noiseLookupMap\" /> \r\n"
" <sampler name=\"noiseLookupMapSampler\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"amplitude\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"ratio\" /> \r\n"
" <int name=\"depthMax\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"frequency\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"frequencyRatio\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"time\" /> \r\n"
" <int name=\"numWaves\" /> \r\n"
" </properties> \r\n"
" <values> \r\n"
" <float name=\"amplitude\" value=\"1.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"ratio\" value=\"0.707000\" /> \r\n"
" <int name=\"depthMax\" value=\"3\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"frequency\" value=\"8.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"frequencyRatio\" value=\"2.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"time\" value=\"0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <int name=\"numWaves\" value=\"5\" /> \r\n"
" </values> \r\n"
" <outputs> \r\n"
" <struct name=\"simpleNoiseBase\" struct_name=\"simpleNoiseOutput\" /> \r\n"
" </outputs> \r\n"
" <implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"Cg\" lang_version=\"2.1\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"simpleNoise\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"float simpleNoise_RawNoiseLookup( \r\n"
" int index, \r\n"
" texture3D noiseLookupMap, \r\n"
" sampler3D noiseLookupMapSampler) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" int3 index3; \r\n"
" index3.x = index; \r\n"
" index3.y = (index>> 5); \r\n"
" index3.z = (index>> 10); \r\n"
" index3 &= 31; \r\n"
" float3 uvw = float3(index3) / 32.0f; \r\n"
" return (tex3D(noiseLookupMapSampler, uvw).r * 2.0f) - 1.0f; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
"simpleNoiseOutput simpleNoise( \r\n"
" float2 uv, \r\n"
" texture3D noiseLookupMap, \r\n"
" sampler3D noiseLookupMapSampler, \r\n"
" float amplitude, \r\n"
" float ratio, \r\n"
" int depthMax, \r\n"
" float frequency, \r\n"
" float frequencyRatio, \r\n"
" float time, \r\n"
" int numWaves) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" const float M_PI = 3.1415926535897f; \r\n"
" const float M_2PI = 2.0f*M_PI; \r\n"
" simpleNoiseOutput finalResult; \r\n"
" float timeRatio = sqrt(frequencyRatio); \r\n"
" uv *= frequency; \r\n"
" float cosine = 0.0f; \r\n"
" float noise = 0.0f; \r\n"
" int depthId = 0; \r\n"
" int waveId = 0; \r\n"
" int seedOffset = 0; \r\n"
" while (depthId<depthMax && waveId<numWaves) { \r\n"
" int step = depthId; \r\n"
" int seed = 50*step; \r\n"
" float2 dir = float2( \r\n"
" simpleNoise_RawNoiseLookup(seed + seedOffset++, noiseLookupMap, noiseLookupMapSampler), \r\n"
" simpleNoise_RawNoiseLookup(seed + seedOffset++, noiseLookupMap, noiseLookupMapSampler)); \r\n"
" float norm = length(dir); \r\n"
" if (norm <= 0.0f) continue; \r\n"
" dir /= norm; \r\n"
" noise += cos(dir.x*uv.x*M_2PI + dir.y*uv.y*M_2PI + M_PI*simpleNoise_RawNoiseLookup(seed + seedOffset++, noiseLookupMap, noiseLookupMapSampler) + time*M_PI); \r\n"
" ++waveId; \r\n"
" if (waveId < numWaves) continue; \r\n"
" noise /= float(numWaves); \r\n"
" uv *= frequencyRatio; \r\n"
" time *= timeRatio; \r\n"
" cosine += amplitude * noise; \r\n"
" amplitude *= ratio; \r\n"
" noise = 0.0f; \r\n"
" waveId = 0; \r\n"
" seedOffset = 0; \r\n"
" ++depthId; \r\n"
" } \r\n"
" cosine = 0.5f*cosine + 0.5f; \r\n"
" float noiseVal = (cosine> 1.0f) ? 1.0f : cosine; \r\n"
" finalResult.outColor = float3(noiseVal, noiseVal, noiseVal); \r\n"
" finalResult.outAlpha = noiseVal; \r\n"
" return finalResult; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"HLSL\" lang_version=\"11.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"simpleNoise\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"float simpleNoise_RawNoiseLookup( \r\n"
" int index, \r\n"
" Texture3D noiseLookupMap, \r\n"
" sampler noiseLookupMapSampler) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" int3 index3; \r\n"
" index3.x = index; \r\n"
" index3.y = (index>> 5); \r\n"
" index3.z = (index>> 10); \r\n"
" index3 &= 31; \r\n"
" float3 uvw = float3(index3) / 32.0f; \r\n"
" return (noiseLookupMap.SampleLevel(noiseLookupMapSampler, uvw, 0).r * 2.0f) - 1.0f; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
"simpleNoiseOutput simpleNoise( \r\n"
" float2 uv, \r\n"
" Texture3D noiseLookupMap, \r\n"
" sampler noiseLookupMapSampler, \r\n"
" float amplitude, \r\n"
" float ratio, \r\n"
" int depthMax, \r\n"
" float frequency, \r\n"
" float frequencyRatio, \r\n"
" float time, \r\n"
" int numWaves) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" const float M_PI = 3.1415926535897f; \r\n"
" const float M_2PI = 2.0f*M_PI; \r\n"
" simpleNoiseOutput finalResult; \r\n"
" float timeRatio = sqrt(frequencyRatio); \r\n"
" uv *= frequency; \r\n"
" float cosine = 0.0f; \r\n"
" float noise = 0.0f; \r\n"
" int depthId = 0; \r\n"
" int waveId = 0; \r\n"
" int seedOffset = 0; \r\n"
" while (depthId<depthMax && waveId<numWaves) { \r\n"
" int step = depthId; \r\n"
" int seed = 50*step; \r\n"
" float2 dir = float2( \r\n"
" simpleNoise_RawNoiseLookup(seed + seedOffset++, noiseLookupMap, noiseLookupMapSampler), \r\n"
" simpleNoise_RawNoiseLookup(seed + seedOffset++, noiseLookupMap, noiseLookupMapSampler)); \r\n"
" float norm = length(dir); \r\n"
" if (norm <= 0.0f) continue; \r\n"
" dir /= norm; \r\n"
" noise += cos(dir.x*uv.x*M_2PI + dir.y*uv.y*M_2PI + M_PI*simpleNoise_RawNoiseLookup(seed + seedOffset++, noiseLookupMap, noiseLookupMapSampler) + time*M_PI); \r\n"
" ++waveId; \r\n"
" if (waveId < numWaves) continue; \r\n"
" noise /= float(numWaves); \r\n"
" uv *= frequencyRatio; \r\n"
" time *= timeRatio; \r\n"
" cosine += amplitude * noise; \r\n"
" amplitude *= ratio; \r\n"
" noise = 0.0f; \r\n"
" waveId = 0; \r\n"
" seedOffset = 0; \r\n"
" ++depthId; \r\n"
" } \r\n"
" cosine = 0.5f*cosine + 0.5f; \r\n"
" float noiseVal = (cosine> 1.0f) ? 1.0f : cosine; \r\n"
" finalResult.outColor = float3(noiseVal, noiseVal, noiseVal); \r\n"
" finalResult.outAlpha = noiseVal; \r\n"
" return finalResult; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" <implementation render=\"OGSRenderer\" language=\"GLSL\" lang_version=\"3.0\"> \r\n"
" <function_name val=\"simpleNoise\" /> \r\n"
" <source><![CDATA[ \r\n"
"float simpleNoise_RawNoiseLookup( \r\n"
" int index, \r\n"
" sampler3D noiseLookupMapSampler) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" ivec3 index3; \r\n"
" index3.x = index; \r\n"
" index3.y = (index >> 5); \r\n"
" index3.z = (index >> 10); \r\n"
" index3 &= 31; \r\n"
" vec3 uvw = vec3(index3) / 32.0f; \r\n"
" return (texture(noiseLookupMapSampler, uvw).r * 2.0f) - 1.0f; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
"simpleNoiseOutput simpleNoise( \r\n"
" vec2 uv, \r\n"
" sampler3D noiseLookupMapSampler, \r\n"
" float amplitude, \r\n"
" float ratio, \r\n"
" int depthMax, \r\n"
" float frequency, \r\n"
" float frequencyRatio, \r\n"
" float time, \r\n"
" int numWaves) \r\n"
"{ \r\n"
" const float M_PI = 3.1415926535897f; \r\n"
" const float M_2PI = 2.0f*M_PI; \r\n"
" simpleNoiseOutput finalResult; \r\n"
" float timeRatio = sqrt(frequencyRatio); \r\n"
" uv *= frequency; \r\n"
" float cosine = 0.0f; \r\n"
" float noise = 0.0f; \r\n"
" int depthId = 0; \r\n"
" int waveId = 0; \r\n"
" int seedOffset = 0; \r\n"
" while (depthId<depthMax && waveId<numWaves) { \r\n"
" int step = depthId; \r\n"
" int seed = 50*step; \r\n"
" vec2 dir = vec2( \r\n"
" simpleNoise_RawNoiseLookup(seed + seedOffset++, noiseLookupMapSampler), \r\n"
" simpleNoise_RawNoiseLookup(seed + seedOffset++, noiseLookupMapSampler)); \r\n"
" float norm = length(dir); \r\n"
" if (norm <= 0.0f) continue; \r\n"
" dir /= norm; \r\n"
" noise += cos(dir.x*uv.x*M_2PI + dir.y*uv.y*M_2PI + M_PI*simpleNoise_RawNoiseLookup(seed + seedOffset++, noiseLookupMapSampler) + time*M_PI); \r\n"
" ++waveId; \r\n"
" if (waveId < numWaves) continue; \r\n"
" noise /= float(numWaves); \r\n"
" uv *= frequencyRatio; \r\n"
" time *= timeRatio; \r\n"
" cosine += amplitude * noise; \r\n"
" amplitude *= ratio; \r\n"
" noise = 0.0f; \r\n"
" waveId = 0; \r\n"
" seedOffset = 0; \r\n"
" ++depthId; \r\n"
" } \r\n"
" cosine = 0.5f*cosine + 0.5f; \r\n"
" float noiseVal = (cosine > 1.0f) ? 1.0f : cosine; \r\n"
" finalResult.outColor = vec3(noiseVal, noiseVal, noiseVal); \r\n"
" finalResult.outAlpha = noiseVal; \r\n"
" return finalResult; \r\n"
"} \r\n"
" ]]></source> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
" </implementation> \r\n"
"</fragment> \r\n";
if (fragmentName != fragmentMgr->addShadeFragmentFromBuffer(fragmentBody, false)) return MS::kFailure;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Full, final graph made up of previously registered fragments. A picture
// which flows from top to bottom.
// simpleNoiseBase
// |
// simpleNoiseOutput
// |
// Maya's shader translation system will take this graph and connect UV
// information where appropriate.
// From Maya's point of view, this graph is fully representative of the
// associated shading node in the DG. All inputs and outputs on this graph
// are matched to inputs and outputs on the DG node. Connections to other
// nodes (input or output) will be mirrored by connections to other
// fragments using the matching parameters.
fragmentName = sFinalFragmentGraphName;
fragmentBody =
"<fragment_graph name=\"simpleNoise\" ref=\"simpleNoise\" class=\"FragmentGraph\" version=\"1.0\"> \r\n"
" <fragments> \r\n"
" <fragment_ref name=\"simpleNoiseBase\" ref=\"simpleNoiseBase\" /> \r\n"
" <fragment_ref name=\"simpleNoiseOutput\" ref=\"simpleNoiseOutput\" /> \r\n"
" </fragments> \r\n"
" <connections> \r\n"
" <connect from=\"simpleNoiseBase.simpleNoiseBase\" to=\"simpleNoiseOutput.simpleNoiseOutput\" name=\"simpleNoiseOutput\" /> \r\n"
" </connections> \r\n"
" <properties> \r\n"
" <float2 name=\"uvCoord\" ref=\"simpleNoiseBase.uvCoord\" semantic=\"mayaUvCoordSemantic\" flags=\"varyingInputParam\" /> \r\n"
" <texture3 name=\"noiseLookupMap\" ref=\"simpleNoiseBase.noiseLookupMap\" /> \r\n"
" <sampler name=\"noiseLookupMapSampler\" ref=\"simpleNoiseBase.noiseLookupMapSampler\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"amplitude\" ref=\"simpleNoiseBase.amplitude\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"ratio\" ref=\"simpleNoiseBase.ratio\" /> \r\n"
" <int name=\"depthMax\" ref=\"simpleNoiseBase.depthMax\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"frequency\" ref=\"simpleNoiseBase.frequency\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"frequencyRatio\" ref=\"simpleNoiseBase.frequencyRatio\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"time\" ref=\"simpleNoiseBase.time\" /> \r\n"
" <int name=\"numWaves\" ref=\"simpleNoiseBase.numWaves\" /> \r\n"
" </properties> \r\n"
" <values> \r\n"
" <float name=\"amplitude\" value=\"1.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"ratio\" value=\"0.707000\" /> \r\n"
" <int name=\"depthMax\" value=\"3\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"frequency\" value=\"8.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"frequencyRatio\" value=\"2.0\" /> \r\n"
" <float name=\"time\" value=\"0.0\" /> \r\n"
" <int name=\"numWaves\" value=\"5\" /> \r\n"
" </values> \r\n"
" <outputs> \r\n"
" <struct name=\"simpleNoiseOutput\" ref=\"simpleNoiseOutput.simpleNoiseOutput\" /> \r\n"
" </outputs> \r\n"
"</fragment_graph> \r\n";
if (fragmentName != fragmentMgr->addFragmentGraphFromBuffer(fragmentBody)) return MS::kFailure;
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus simpleNoiseShaderOverride::deregisterFragments()
// Get fragment manager for deregistration
// No fragment manager, fail
if (!fragmentMgr) return MS::kFailure;
// Remove fragments from library on plugin unload
if (!fragmentMgr->removeFragment("simpleNoiseOutput")) return MS::kFailure;
if (!fragmentMgr->removeFragment("simpleNoiseBase")) return MS::kFailure;
if (!fragmentMgr->removeFragment(sFinalFragmentGraphName)) return MS::kFailure;
return MS::kSuccess;