C++ API Reference
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// Produces the MEL command "threadTestCmd".
// This example demonstrates how to use the MThreadPool class to calculate primes
// using a threaded algorithm. For comparison purposes, a serial calculation of
// primes is also provided.
// To use this plug-in, first load it and then execute the following:
// threadTestCmd 1 10000
// Here, argument 1 and argument 2 specify the start and end ranges of the prime search.
#include <math.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MSimple.h>
#include <maya/MTimer.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MThreadPool.h>
DeclareSimpleCommand( threadTestCmd, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "2008");
typedef struct _threadDataTag
int threadNo;
long primesFound;
long start, end;
} threadData;
typedef struct _taskDataTag
long start, end, totalPrimes;
} taskData;
#define NUM_TASKS 16
// No global information used in function
static bool TestForPrime(int val)
int limit, factor = 3;
limit = (long)(sqrtf((float)val)+0.5f);
while( (factor <= limit) && (val % factor))
factor ++;
return (factor > limit);
// Primes finder. This function is called from multiple threads
MThreadRetVal Primes(void *data)
threadData *myData = (threadData *)data;
for( int i = myData->start + myData->threadNo*2; i <= myData->end; i += 2*NUM_TASKS )
if( TestForPrime(i) )
return (MThreadRetVal)0;
// Function to create thread tasks
void DecomposePrimes(void *data, MThreadRootTask *root)
taskData *taskD = (taskData *)data;
threadData tdata[NUM_TASKS];
for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; ++i )
tdata[i].threadNo = i;
tdata[i].primesFound = 0;
tdata[i].start = taskD->start;
tdata[i].end = taskD->end;
MThreadPool::createTask(Primes, (void *)&tdata[i], root);
for( int i = 0; i < NUM_TASKS; ++i )
taskD->totalPrimes += tdata[i].primesFound;
// Single threaded calculation
int SerialPrimes(int start, int end)
int primesFound = 0;
for( int i = start; i <= end; i+=2)
if( TestForPrime(i) )
return primesFound;
// Set up and tear down parallel tasks
int ParallelPrimes(int start, int end)
if( MStatus::kSuccess != stat ) {
MString str = MString("Error creating threadpool");
return 0;
taskData tdata;
tdata.totalPrimes = 0;
tdata.start = start;
tdata.end = end;
MThreadPool::newParallelRegion(DecomposePrimes, (void *)&tdata);
// Release reference to thread pool
return tdata.totalPrimes;
// MSimple command that invokes the serial and parallel thread calculations
MStatus threadTestCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args )
MString introStr = MString("Computation of primes using the Maya API");
if(args.length() != 2) {
MString str = MString("Invalid number of arguments, usage: threadTestCmd 1 10000");
MStatus stat;
int start = args.asInt( 0, &stat );
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat ) {
MString str = MString("Invalid argument 1, usage: threadTestCmd 1 10000");
int end = args.asInt( 1, &stat );
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat ) {
MString str = MString("Invalid argument 2, usage: threadTestCmd 1 10000");
// start search on an odd number
if((start % 2) == 0 ) start++;
// run single threaded
MTimer timer;
int serialPrimes = SerialPrimes(start, end);
double serialTime = timer.elapsedTime();
// run multithreaded
int parallelPrimes = ParallelPrimes(start, end);
double parallelTime = timer.elapsedTime();
// check for correctness
if ( serialPrimes != parallelPrimes ) {
MString str("Error: Computations inconsistent");
// print results
if(parallelTime>0.0) {
double ratio = serialTime/parallelTime;
MString str = MString("\nElapsed time for serial computation: ") + serialTime + MString("s\n");
str += MString("Elapsed time for parallel computation: ") + parallelTime + MString("s\n");
str += MString("Speedup: ") + ratio + MString("x\n");
} else {
MString str = MString("\nParallel time zero, no scaling measurement possible\n");