Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Flags. MEL examples.


cacheEvaluator [-cacheFillMode string] [-cacheFillOrder string] [-cacheInvalidate timerange] [-cacheName string] [-cachingPoints] [-creationParameters] [-flushCache string] [-flushCacheRange timerange boolean] [-flushCacheSync boolean] [-flushCacheWait] [-listCacheNames] [-listCachedNodes] [-listValueNames] [-newAction string] [-newActionParam string] [-newFilter string] [-newFilterParam string] [-newRule string] [-newRuleParam string] [-pauseInvalidation] [-preventFrameSkip boolean] [-resetRules] [-resourceUsage] [-resumeInvalidation] [-safeMode boolean] [-safeModeMessages] [-safeModeTriggered] [-valueName string] [-waitForCache float]

cacheEvaluator is NOT undoable, queryable, and editable.

This command controls caching configuration. It allows interaction with the caching system.

Caching configuration is done through a set of rules. Most rules are composed of a "filter", which is the test to be perform in order to determine if the rule should be applied, and an "action", which is the effect that the rule application should have on nodes that satisfy the criteria.

A caching mode is therefore a set of rules that determines which nodes are being cached. This mode can be serialized to a JSON string using the "creationParameters" flag in query mode.

Built-in Cache Configuration Modes

A few cache configuration rules, filters and actions are provided in order to support the built-in default caching modes.

Built-in Filters

Built-in Actions

Built-in Rules

Note that any combination of cache configuration rules other than the default modes is considered unsupported and to be used at one's own risk. The default modes are "Evaluation cache", "VP2 software cache" and "VP2 hardware cache". The sets of rules used to enable each mode are listed in the code examples.

Querying Cache Configuration Values

In order to get a cache configuration value for a given node or list of nodes, the cacheName flag can be used in query mode. Without any additional parameters, this query is the same as if the valueName flag was set to "active", i.e. it queries whether the given cache is active or not.

If the queried node is not a caching point, there will be no caching configuration information associated with it and the query will return an empty string (which is basically the same as all cache modes being inactive). If the queried node is a caching point, the returned string will be the requested information from the given cache. For example, querying the "active" value can return "0" or "1".

Return value

stringThe state of whether the memory limit has been reached or not ('out', 'okay', 'low', or 'unlimited' with the 'resourceUsage' flag)
booleanThe state of whether the safe mode is enabled (with the 'safeMode' flag)
booleanThe state of whether the safe mode was triggered (with the 'safeModeTriggered' flag)
booleanThe state of whether prevent frame skipping is enabled (with the 'preventFrameSkip' flag)
booleanThe state of whether cache in background was calculated (with the 'waitForCache' flag)
string[]The available cache names (with the 'listCacheNames' flag)
stringThe list of nodes currently cached by the cache evaluator (with the 'listCachedNodes' flag).
string[]The available value names (with the 'listValueNames' flag)
string[]The parameter value for the requested node(s) (with the 'cacheName' flag)
stringThe creation parameters for the current mode as a JSON array (with the 'creationParameters' flag)
string[]The list of nodes marked as caching point (with the 'cachingPoints' flag)
stringThe current cache fill mode (with the 'cacheFillMode' flag)
stringThe current cache fill order (with the 'cacheFillOrder' flag)
stringThe list of all the safe mode messages (with the 'safeModeMessages' flag)

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.




cacheFillMode, cacheFillOrder, cacheInvalidate, cacheName, cachingPoints, creationParameters, flushCache, flushCacheRange, flushCacheSync, flushCacheWait, listCacheNames, listCachedNodes, listValueNames, newAction, newActionParam, newFilter, newFilterParam, newRule, newRuleParam, pauseInvalidation, preventFrameSkip, resetRules, resourceUsage, resumeInvalidation, safeMode, safeModeMessages, safeModeTriggered, valueName, waitForCache
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-cacheFillMode(-cfm) string createquery
Specifies the cache fill mode. Valid values are: "syncOnly" to fill cache during playback, "syncAsync" to cache during playback and in background, and "asyncOnly" to fill cache only in background. Query returns current mode.
-cacheFillOrder(-cfo) string createquery
Specifies in which order the cache fills the timeline. Valid values are: "forward" to fill cache in forward direction, "backward" to fill cache backwards, "bidirectional" to fill cache in forward and backward directions simultaneously, and "forwardFromBegin" to fill cache in forward direction from animation start. Query returns current cache fill mode.
-cacheInvalidate(-ci) timerange create
Specifies the frame range in which cache should be invalidated. The range should be specified as a pair of positive integers.

Usage examples:

  • -ci "10:20"{Python equivalent: ('10','20')} means all frames in the range from 10 to 20, inclusive, in the current time unit.

Omitting one end of a range means using either end of the animation range (or both), as in the following examples:
  • -ci "10:" means all frames from time 10 (in the current time unit) onwards to the maximum time in the animation range (on the timeline).
  • -ci ":10" means all frames from the minimum time on the animation range (on the timeline) up to (and including) time 10 (in the current time unit).
  • -ci ":" is a short form to specify all frames, from minimum to maximum time on the current animation range.
-cacheName(-cn) string query
Specifies the name of the cache from which to query a value.

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

-cachingPoints(-cps) query
Get list of nodes marked as caching points, i.e. nodes with at least one type of cache active.
-creationParameters(-cp) query
Get the current mode creation parameters. The result is a JSON string which represents an array with an element for each rule. Each element is an association between the parameter name and its value when creating the rule.
-flushCache(-fc) string create
Specifies to flush the current cache. Valid values are: "keep" to store the existing cache as backup, and "destroy" to delete the current cache.
-flushCacheRange(-fcr) timerange boolean create
Specifies the frame range in which cache should be flushed. By default it will destroy the cache - if the 'flushCache' is also set then it will define what to do with the cache range being flushed. The range should be specified as a pair of positive integers and a boolean.

Usage examples:

  • -flushCacheRange "10:20" on {Python equivalent: ('10','20',True)} means all frames in the range from 10 to 20, inclusive, in the current time unit.
  • -flushCacheRange "12:18" off {Python equivalent: ('12','18',False)} means all frames before 12 and after 18, not inclusive, in the current time unit.

Omitting one end of a range means using either end of the animation range (or both), as in the following examples:
  • -flushCacheRange "10:" on means all frames from time 10 (in the current time unit) onwards to the maximum time in the animation range (on the timeline).
  • -flushCacheRange ":10" on means all frames from the minimum time on the animation range (on the timeline) up to (and including) time 10 (in the current time unit).
  • -flushCacheRange ":" on is a short form to specify all frames, from minimum to maximum time on the current animation range.
-flushCacheSync(-fcs) boolean createquery
Specifies how to flush the cache: synchronously or asynchronously. True for synchronous, False for asynchronous.
-flushCacheWait(-fcw) create
Wait for the cache destruction to be completed.
-listCacheNames(-lcn) query
Return the list of existing cache names.
-listCachedNodes(-lcd) query
Returns the list of cached nodes.
-listValueNames(-lvn) query
Return the list of value names that can be queried for the given cache.
-newAction(-na) string create
Specifies the name of the new action to create in the new filter/action rule.
-newActionParam(-nap) string create
Specifies the parameter string to pass to the new action to create in the new filter/action rule.
-newFilter(-nf) string create
Specifies the name of the new filter to create in the new filter/action rule.
-newFilterParam(-nfp) string create
Specifies the parameter string to pass to the new filter to create in the new filter/action rule.
-newRule(-nr) string create
Specifies the name of the new rule to create.
-newRuleParam(-nrp) string create
Specifies the parameter string to pass to the new rule to create.
-pauseInvalidation(-pi) createquery
Pause all incoming invalidation of the cache. Work in symmetry with resumeInvalidation flag. PauseInvalidation can be called several time, useful in nesting situation. The same number of resume need to be called to resume the invalidation. If queried it will return how much time caching is paused, 0 means it is resumed.
-preventFrameSkip(-pfs) boolean createquery
Specifies if frame skipping is enabled. Following behavior is seen when frame skipping is enabled, and playback is set to play in real-time.
  • If cache can't be filled at real-time frame rate, frames will NOT be skipped.
  • Once all frames have been looped over(and therefore all frames are cached), and if playing back from cache still can't be done at real-time frame rate; frames WILL be skipped.
  • If memory limit is reached before all frames are cached, frames WILL be skipped.
  • If cache is invalidated will playing(like flushing it), frames will NOT be skipped(until the cache is full again).
-resetRules(-rr) create
Reset the cache configuration rules to an empty set of rules.
-resourceUsage(-ru) query
Returns the current state of the resource usage as a string. 'unlimited' = the resource limits are being ignored, 'out' = the memory limit has been reached, 'low' = the memory usage is at 90% of the specified limit, 'okay' = memory usage is under 90% of the specified limit.
-resumeInvalidation(-ri) createquery
Resume all incoming invalidation of the cache. Work in symmetry with pauseInvalidation flag. PauseInvalidation can be called several time, useful in nesting situation. The same number of resume need to be called to resume the invalidation. If queried it will return true if cache is resumed, false otherwise.
-safeMode(-sf) boolean createquery
Turns safe mode on or off. In query mode, it returns the status of the safe mode for cache evaluator.
-safeModeMessages(-sfm) query
Prints the safe mode messages to the console.
-safeModeTriggered(-sft) query
Returns if the safe mode was triggered for cache evaluator.
-valueName(-vn) string query
Specifies the name of the parameter for which to query the value.

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

-waitForCache(-wfc) float create
Specifies to wait for cache to fill in background, with [Time to wait in seconds] timeout.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

// Enable evaluation cache.
cacheEvaluator -resetRules;
cacheEvaluator -newFilter "evaluationCacheNodes" -newAction "enableEvaluationCache";
cacheEvaluator -newRule "customEvaluators";

// Enable VP2 software cache.
cacheEvaluator -resetRules;
// VP2 cache only works on a subset of types (mesh, nurbsCurve, nurbsSurface, bezierCurve),
// so we still enable evaluation cache for other types.
cacheEvaluator -newFilter "evaluationCacheNodes" -newAction "enableEvaluationCache";
// Enabling VP2 cache will disable evaluation cache on the supported types.
// Note that using the vp2CacheNodes filter is equivalent to using the
// "nodeTypes" filter with the right types specified as the "newFilterParam"
// string, i.e. "types=+mesh,+nurbsCurve,+bezierCurve,+nurbsSurface".
cacheEvaluator -newFilter "vp2CacheNodes" -newAction "enableVP2Cache" -newActionParam "useHardware=0";
// Custom evaluators of a higher priority than the caching evaluator
// may need additional caching points around its boundary to evaluate properly.
cacheEvaluator -newRule "customEvaluators";

// Enable VP2 hardware cache.
cacheEvaluator -resetRules;
// VP2 cache only works on a subset of types (mesh, nurbsCurve, nurbsSurface, bezierCurve),
// so we still enable evaluation cache for other types.
cacheEvaluator -newFilter "evaluationCacheNodes" -newAction "enableEvaluationCache";
// Enabling VP2 cache will disable evaluation cache on the supported types.
cacheEvaluator -newFilter "vp2CacheNodes" -newAction "enableVP2Cache" -newActionParam "useHardware=1";
// Custom evaluators of a higher priority than the caching evaluator
// may need additional caching points around its boundary to evaluate properly.
cacheEvaluator -newRule "customEvaluators";

// Enable evaluation cache using explicit node types.
cacheEvaluator -resetRules;
cacheEvaluator -newFilter "nodeTypes" -newFilterParam "types=-constraint,+transform,+mesh,+nurbsCurve,+bezierCurve,+nurbsSurface,+subdiv,+lattice,+baseLattice,+cMuscleDebug,+cMuscleDirection,+cMuscleDisplace,+cMuscleDisplay,+cMuscleFalloff,+cMuscleKeepOut,+cMuscleObject,+cMuscleSmartCollide,+cMuscleSpline,+cMuscleSurfAttach,-THlocatorShape,+locator,+light,+camera,+imagePlane,+clusterHandle,+deformFunc,+hwShader,+pfxGeometry,+follicle" -newAction "enableEvaluationCache";

// Get the creation parameters.
cacheEvaluator -resetRules;
cacheEvaluator -q -creationParameters;
// Result: [] //

cacheEvaluator -resetRules;
cacheEvaluator -newFilter "evaluationCacheNodes" -newAction "enableEvaluationCache";
cacheEvaluator -q -creationParameters;
// Result: [
        "newAction": "enableEvaluationCache",
        "newFilter": "evaluationCacheNodes"
] //

// Query current cache fill mode.
cacheEvaluator -q -cacheFillMode;
// Result: syncAsync //

// Set new cache fill mode. Options are: 'asyncOnly', 'syncOnly', 'syncAsync'.
cacheEvaluator -cacheFillMode "syncAsync";

// Query current cache fill order.
cacheEvaluator -q -cacheFillOrder;
// Result: bidirectional //

// Set new cache fill order. Options are: 'forward', 'backward', 'bidirectional', 'forwardFromBegin'.
cacheEvaluator -cacheFillOrder "forward";

// Invalidate cache for all the frames in range from 10 to 20, inclusive, in current time unit.
cacheEvaluator -cacheInvalidate "10:20";

// Invalidate cache for all the frames in range from 10 onwards to the maximum time in the animation range, in current time unit.
cacheEvaluator -cacheInvalidate "10:";

// Invalidate cache for all the frames in range from minimum time on the animation range up to (and including) to 10, in current time unit.
cacheEvaluator -cacheInvalidate ":10";

// Invalidate cache from minimum to maximum time on the current animation range.
cacheEvaluator -cacheInvalidate ":";

// Check whether or not evaluation cache is active on a given node.
cacheEvaluator -q -cacheName "evaluation" "myNode";
// Result: 1 //
cacheEvaluator -q -cacheName "evaluation" -valueName "active" "myNode";
// Result: 1 //

// Check whether or not VP2 hardware is active, and using hardware cache.
cacheEvaluator -q -cacheName "VP2" "myNode";
// Result: 1 //
cacheEvaluator -q -cacheName "VP2" -valueName "active" "myNode";
// Result: 1 //
cacheEvaluator -q -cacheName "VP2" -valueName "useHardware" "myNode";
// Result: 1 //

// Check for the caching points in the scene.
cacheEvaluator -q -cachingPoints;
// Result: nurbsCone1 nurbsConeShape1 //

// Flush current cache. "keep" and "destroy" flags can be used to store or destroy the existing cache.
cacheEvaluator -flushCache "destroy";
// Result: destroy //

// Query the cache evaluator's flush synchronization mode.
cacheEvaluator -q -flushCacheSync;
// Result: 0 //

// Set the cache evaluator's flush synchronization mode. Valid values are: 1 for synchronous, 0 for asynchronous.
cacheEvaluator -flushCacheSync 1;

// Wait for cache destruction.
cacheEvaluator -flushCacheWait;

// Check the available types of cache.
cacheEvaluator -q -listCacheNames;
// Result: evaluation VP2 //

// Query the list of cached nodes.
cacheEvaluator -q -listCachedNodes;
// Result: nurbsSphere1,nurbsSphereShape1 //

// Check the available values that can be queried for available caches.
cacheEvaluator -q -cacheName "evaluation" -listValueNames;
// Result: active //

cacheEvaluator -q -cacheName "VP2" -listValueNames;
// Result: active useHardware //

// Query if prevent-frame-skipping is on.
cacheEvaluator -q -preventFrameSkip;
// Result: 1 //

// Set prevent-frame-skipping to on.
cacheEvaluator -preventFrameSkip 1;

// Query if the cache invalidation is paused. Returns how many times invalidation is paused.
cacheEvaluator -q -pauseInvalidation;
// Result: 0 //

// Pause cache invalidation.
cacheEvaluator -pauseInvalidation;

// Resume cache invalidation.
cacheEvaluator -resumeInvalidation;

// Query whether or not the resource limit has been reached.
cacheEvaluator -q -resourceUsage;
// Result: okay //

// Turn safe mode state for evaluator on.
cacheEvaluator -safeMode 1;

// Query the safe mode state for evaluator.
cacheEvaluator -q -safeMode;
// Result: 1 //

// If safe mode was triggered return the safe mode messages
cacheEvaluator -q -safeModeMessages;
// Result:  //

// Check if safe mode was triggered
cacheEvaluator -q -safeModeTriggered;
// Result: 0 //

// Wait for 10 seconds for cache to fill in background
cacheEvaluator -waitForCache 10;
// Result: 1 //

// Use the CacheEvaluatorManager to get/set modes.
python("from maya.plugin.evaluator.CacheEvaluatorManager import CacheEvaluatorManager");
python("manager = CacheEvaluatorManager()");
python("currentMode = manager.cache_mode");

python("from maya.plugin.evaluator.CacheEvaluatorManager import CACHE_STANDARD_MODE_VP2_HW, CACHE_STANDARD_MODE_VP2_SW, CACHE_STANDARD_MODE_EVAL");
// Enable evaluation cache.
python("manager.cache_mode = CACHE_STANDARD_MODE_EVAL");
// Enable VP2 software cache.
python("manager.cache_mode = CACHE_STANDARD_MODE_VP2_SW");
// Enable VP2 hardware cache.
python("manager.cache_mode = CACHE_STANDARD_MODE_VP2_HW");

// Restore the previous mode.
python("manager.cache_mode = currentMode");