Functions and classes related to scripting, including MelGlobals and Mel
callbacks | This command allows you to add callbacks at key times during UI creation so that the Maya UI can be extended. |
conditionExists | Returns True if the named condition exists, False otherwise. |
evalEcho | Derived from mel command maya.cmds.evalEcho |
evalNoSelectNotify | Derived from mel command maya.cmds.evalNoSelectNotify |
getLastError | Derived from mel command maya.cmds.getLastError |
getMelGlobal | |
getMelType | return the name of the closest MEL type equivalent for the given python |
getProcArguments | Derived from mel command maya.cmds.getProcArguments |
isValidMelType | Returns whether typeStr is a valid MEL type identifier |
melOptions | Set and query options that affect the behavior of Maya’s Embedded Language (MEL). |
python | Derived from mel command maya.cmds.python |
pythonToMel | convert a python object to a string representing an equivalent value in mel |
pythonToMelCmd | Given a mel command name, and a set of python args / kwargs, return a mel string used to call the given command. |
resourceManager | List resources matching certain properties. |
scriptJob | This command creates a script job, which is a MEL command or script. |
setMelGlobal | |
sortCaseInsensitive | This command sorts all the strings of an array in a case insensitive way. |
stackTrace | Flags: |
waitCursor | This command sets/resets a wait cursor for the entire Maya application. |
Catch | Reproduces the behavior of the mel command of the same name. |
Env | A Singleton class to represent Maya current optionVars and settings |
Mel | Acts as a namespace from which MEL procedures can be called as if they were python functions. |
MelCallable | Class for wrapping up callables created by Mel class’ procedure calls. |
MelGlobals | A dictionary-like class for getting and setting global variables between mel and python. |
OptionVarDict | A dictionary-like class for accessing and modifying optionVars. |
OptionVarList |
MelArgumentError | The arguments passed to the MEL script are incorrect |
MelConversionError | MEL cannot process a conversion or cast between data types |
MelError | Generic MEL error |
MelSyntaxError | The MEL script has a syntactical error |
MelUnknownProcedureError | The called MEL procedure does not exist or has not been sourced |