Format a Schedule

Specify various formatting options for a schedule.

Use the Formatting tab of the Schedule Properties dialog (or the Material Takeoff Properties dialog) to specify formatting options, such as column orientation and alignment, hidden fields, and conditional formatting.

If you want to... then select...
edit the title that appears above a column in a schedule a field to display it in the Heading text box. You can edit each column name.
specify the orientation of a column heading on a sheet only a field. Then for Heading Orientation, select an orientation option.
change the appearance of titles, headers, fonts, and grid lines the Appearance tab of the Schedule Properties dialog
align text in the rows under a column heading a field, then select an alignment option from the Alignment drop-down menu.
format the units and appearance of numeric fields a field, then click Field Format. The Format dialog opens. Clear Use project settings and adjust numerical formatting.
display subtotals for a numeric column in a summary schedule a field, then select Calculate totals. This setting is available only for fields that can be totaled, such as room area, cost, count, or room perimeter. If you clear the Grand Totals option on the Sorting/Grouping tab, no totals display.
Note: Subtotal calculations only display on summary schedules. Deselect Itemize every Instance on the Sorting/Grouping tab to view calculations.
display minimum, maximum, or both minimum and maximum results for a numeric column in a summary schedule. a field, then select Calculate minimum, Calculate maximum, or Calculate minimum and maximum. This setting is available only for fields that can be totaled, such as room area, cost, count, or room perimeter. If you clear the Grand Totals option on the Sorting/Grouping tab, no totals display.
Note: Minimum and maximum calculations only display on summary schedules. Deselect Itemize every Instance on the Sorting/Grouping tab to view calculations.
hide a field in a schedule a field, then select Hidden field. This option is useful when you want to sort the schedule by a field, but you do not want that field to display in the schedule.
include the conditional formatting of a field on a sheet a field, then select Show conditional format on sheets. The formatting will display on a sheet and print.
highlight a cell in a schedule based on a set of conditions a field, then click Conditional Format. Adjust the formatting parameters in the Conditional Formatting dialog.
Tip: You can show or hide any columns while in the schedule view. To hide a column, select a cell in the column, and then right-click. From the context menu, select Hide Column(s). To display all hidden columns, right-click in the schedule view, and select Unhide All Columns.