Create and modify a void in an existing form.
This video demonstrates the following:
Void forms are created in the same way the solid version of the same kind of form is created.
To create a void form, use the pull down-menu on the Void Forms button, and then select the type of void form to create. Once the void form is created, if it intersects an existing solid, the portion of the void that intersects the solid will be removed from the solid form.
Placing the cursor near an edge of a voided form will allow it to be selected. Shape handles on the void can be used to modify the faces of the void, or the Edit command from the contextual ribbon can be selected to edit the void.
A solid form created after the void has been created can be cut with the intersecting void using the Cut tool from the Modify tab of the ribbon. Select Cut, and then select the void and the elements that should be cut by the void. Solid forms and void forms can be toggled if they are not cutting or being cut by any other form.