You can import data from other CAD programs into a
Revit model.
Supported CAD formats include AutoCAD (DWG and DXF), MicroStation® (DGN),
Trimble® SketchUp® (SKP and DWG), SAT, and 3DM (Rhinoceros®).
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Topics in this section
About Imported Geometry
When you import a file, the format of the imported file may support varying qualities of geometry. These variations are caused by the file type, the export settings for the originating application, and the Revit import settings.
About Importing ACIS Objects
ACIS® objects describe solids or trimmed surfaces. Revit supports the import of ACIS objects contained in DWG, DXF, DGN, and SAT files.
About Importing SketchUp Files
You can incorporate a Trimble® SketchUp® design into a Revit project to provide a starting point for the building model.
Import a CAD File
Open a Revit model, and use the Import CAD tool to import vector data from other CAD programs.
Import a 3D Shape
Open a Revit project or family, and use the Import CAD tool to import 3D geometry from supported applications.
Import SketchUp Files
To incorporate a Trimble® SketchUp® design, import the SKP file into a Revit family. Then load the family into a Revit project.
Explode Imported Geometry
When you import a drawing into Revit, you are importing all the elements, such as blocks and external references (xrefs) from the drawing. They are all contained inside an element called an import symbol.
Define Scaling for Imported CAD Files
For imported DWG and DXF files, you can specify the units of measure for the imported geometry, and define a scale factor to achieve the appropriate scale for the Revit project.
Limitations of SketchUp Data Imported to Revit Revit treats the data imported from Trimble® SketchUp® as a complicated collection of geometry that may require more steps to manipulate. However, you can change the layer settings from Trimble® SketchUp® to improve the results.