Known Issues for Worksharing Monitor for Autodesk Revit

When using this version of Worksharing Monitor, you may encounter these known issues.

Editing request does not show a user name

Symptom: The Editing Requests pane shows a pending request, but no user name is listed in the To column.

Issue: When elements owned by other users are deleted, the Revit application properly issues an editing request to the owners, but fails to inform Worksharing Monitor of their names.

Work-around: In the Revit application, cancel the editing operation. Use the Make Elements Editable command, and manually place an editing request. This will communicate all names properly to Worksharing Monitor.

No information for opening a central file

Symptom: A user's Worksharing Monitor does not show that the user is opening a central file. (That operation properly displays in other user'sWorksharing Monitor.)

Issue: When the Revit application opens a project file, it does not notify Worksharing Monitor running on the same computer until the opening process finishes. Therefore, no progress information is provided byWorksharing Monitor for that user while reading the central file. Furthermore, if opening the central file is blocked by another user's Synchronize with Central process, Worksharing Monitor does not indicate this blockage either.

Work-around: Use the feedback provided by the Revit application instead. When the application is opening the central file, it will show a progress bar. If access to the central file is blocked, the application displays the Accessing File dialog. In the later case though (a central file blocked by another user),Worksharing Monitor does show that operation and will display a progress bar for it.

Granting of Editing Request is not reported

Symptom: Editing requests that are granted in the following ways are not reported to the user who made the requests:

  • The granting user clicked Collaborate tab > Synchronize panel > Relinquish All Mine.
  • When closing a local file, the granting user clicked 'Relinquish and Save'.

Issue: In the cases above, Worksharing Monitor deals with Relinquish operations by comparing request time with relinquish time. Therefore, if the clock times of related users are not consistent, the granted requests will not be reported.

Solution: Make sure the times of all users are synchronous during relinquish operations or use other grant methods.

Progress bar restarts

Symptom: During a Synchronize with Central operation, the progress bar starts to fill in for one of the steps, and then jumps back to the beginning of the step.

Issue: In this release of Worksharing Monitor, some steps of a Synchronize with Central operation are broken down into sub-steps. The current behavior of the progress bar does not encompass all sub-steps. Instead, the Worksharing Monitor restarts the progress bar for each sub-step.

Worksharing Monitor does not show that a user disconnected

Symptom: When a user loses a network connection, Worksharing Monitor shows the user as still connected and perhaps actively performing a Synchronize with Central operation.

Issue: Worksharing Monitor can have difficulty determining whether a computer is disconnected from the network or the network connection is slow or intermittent.

Solution: Wait a few minutes to allow Worksharing Monitor to determine whether the network problem is transient. After 2 or 3 minutes, Worksharing Monitor should indicate that the other user is disconnected.

Worksharing Monitor improperly identifies user status

Symptom: Worksharing Monitor incorrectly states that users are or are not using Worksharing Monitor.

Issue: This issue may occur when your computer experiences an unknown IP problem, or when a user has multiple local files open, accessing the same central file. (It is strongly recommended that you do not use the same user name to open multiple sessions in a Revit application that accesses the same project.)

Action: If you are able to reproduce this problem reliably, please contact customer support.

Desktop alerts are not displayed

Symptom: Desktop alerts might not be displayed if Worksharing Monitor reports a low-memory warning. However, actions and notifications do show up properly in Worksharing Monitor.

Issue: When the computer system is low on memory, v has trouble delivering desktop alerts.

Work-around: Limit the number of open applications and documents when Worksharing Monitor warns about low-memory.

Worksharing Monitor provides misleading information

Symptom: A user is mistakenly reported as working with a central file.

Issue: When a user is working with a file that is a host of other linked central files, he/she may sometimes be reported as working directly with the linked central files.

Solution: Worksharing Monitor does not currently have the ability to classify linked files.

Old user records in central access panel

Symptom: When a user opensWorksharing Monitor, he/she may find multiple user records that look similar to the last Revit session in the central access panel.

Issue: After closing Revit session by a non-standard method, such as a system crash, old records will display as normal records.

Solution: Wait several minutes to allow Worksharing Monitor to determine if records are live. After several minutes, Worksharing Monitor should remove any false records from the central access panel.