You can import either an Ideas (.unv) or a Nastran (.nas and .dat) mesh, and run a simulation in Autodesk® CFD. To ensure that contacting parts are differentiated from one another, assign unique material IDs when you create the mesh.
To import a mesh:
- From the Get Started tab, click New.
- On the New Design Study dialog, click Browse, and navigate to the working directory.
- Select CAD Mesh Files (*.unv, *.nas, *.dat) from the file type menu.
- Select either the unv, nas, or dat file.
- Enter a design study name on the New Design Study dialog, and click Create new design study.
The model opens in Autodesk® CFD.
In Autodesk® CFD, set up of the scenario with materials, boundary conditions, etc.
Note: The Mesh task dialog is not available because the mesh is already generated.
Note: Mesh Enhancement does not occur on an imported mesh.