The Import and Export commands on the File menu let you share 3D geometry with other 3D modeling programs.
3ds Max can import and export a variety of file formats, as described in this section.
Topics in this section
Body Objects 3ds Max creates Body Objects when you import certain file formats, such as SAT files.
Adobe Illustrator (AI) Files
Adobe Illustrator is a vector-based graphics application. 3ds Max can import and export Illustrator files.
Alias (WIRE) Files 3ds Max works well with Alias for creating photorealistic renderings and animations from design data, and for creating polygon-based geometry for integration back into Alias scenes.
Alembic (ABC) Files
Alembic is an interchange file format for computer graphics commonly used by visual effects and animation professionals as it distills complex animated scenes into a non-procedural, application-independent set of baked geometric results. It can handle animations with changing topology, making it useful for simulations such as fluids.
Exporting to ASCII
When you choose ASCII Scene Export (*.ase) as the Save As type, the exported file is an ASCII representation of your scene. A dialog lets you specify which scene components are included, and how they're output. This is helpful if you are writing a program that requires you to parse the ASCII file.
AutoCAD (DWG) Files
The topics in this section describe how to share files with AutoCAD and other programs that use the DWG format.
AutoCAD Interchange (DXF) Files
DXF files are used to import and export objects to and from AutoCAD and other programs that support this file format. Most commonly, DXF files are used to import and export modeling data to and from CAD programs that have support for DXF but not DWG files.
3D DWF Files
With 3D DWF publishing, you can export Design Web Format™ (.DWF™) files of your three-dimensional models with nearly the same visual fidelity as in rendered scenes. DWF files are highly compressed. You can share them easily with team members who might not have 3ds Max.
Autodesk Inventor (IPT, IAM) Files
IPT and IAM are the native Autodesk Inventor® file formats for parts (IPT) and assemblies (IAM). You can import both file formats into 3ds Max.
Autodesk Revit (RVT) Files
In addition to using the File Link Manager, you can import RVT files into 3ds Max.
Autodesk FBX Files
FBX files provide interoperability between most 3D software, regardless of software vendor or computer platform. You can import and export files in this format with 3ds Max.
IGES Files
You can import and export IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) files with 3ds Max.
JT Open Program (JT) Files
JT files are an open CAD format used for product visualization, collaboration, and data sharing. You can import JT files into 3ds Max.
LandXML (XML, DEM) Files
The topics in this section describe how to use land development data with 3ds Max. Land data typically comes from civil engineering projects, and can use a few different file formats.
Motion Analysis Files (HTR/HTR2, TRC)
The topics in this section describe how to use motion-capture files in the HTR (Hierarchical Translation-Rotation) and TRC formats.
OpenFlight (FLT) Files
The OpenFlight® format is commonly used in visual-simulation systems. You can import and export OpenFlight files. With the Flight Studio® utility, you can also create and edit objects and attributes in OpenFlight files.
Pro/ENGINEER® is a computer-aided design software application. You can import Pro/ENGINEER files.
SAT Files
The SAT-format feature handles import and export precise geometric boundary representation (BREP) data, also known as ACIS solids, for trimmed surfaces, solids models and assemblies as 3ds Max Body Objects.
SketchUp (SKP) Files The SketchUp importer enables direct import of scene files from SketchUp.
SolidWorks (SLDPRT, SLDASM) Files
SolidWorks® is a computer-aided design (CAD) and engineering (CAE) software application. 3ds Max can import SolidWorks Part (SLDPRT) and Assembly files (SLDASM).
Standard for the Exchange of Product Data (STEP) is an ISO standard exchange format used for transferring graphics data between CAD/CAM systems. You can import both STEP and STP files into 3ds Max.
Stereolithography (STL) Files
The topics in this section describe how to import and export stereolithography (STL) files.
SHP Files
SHP is the 3D Studio (DOS) shape file format. You can import these files into 3ds Max.
UG-NX (PRT) Files
NX is a solid modeling package. You can import NX files into 3ds Max.
VIZ Render (DRF) Files
DRF is the file format for VIZ Render, a rendering tool formerly included with AutoCAD Architecture. The DRF file type is similar to MAX files from previous versions of Autodesk VIZ.
VRML Files
The topics in this section describe how to work with VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) files in 3ds Max.
Wavefront (OBJ) Files 3ds Max can import and export the text-based (ASCII) Wavefront format OBJ. An OBJ file contains geometry descriptions, while the associated MTL file format contains material descriptions.