Learn how to set up a master model to use in multi-user environments.
The Master model is saved in a DWG file which stores all of the project information and is shared on a network. Users work on a local copy and send the changes to the Master Model.
To work on a master model:
- Create the Master model in a DWG file and then share it on a network. To share the Master Model:
- Create a folder on the server computer (for example: "Model") and set full access rights for all users. The folder needs to be on a NTFS partition.
- Copy the DWG file you need to share (for example: Master Model.dwg) in this folder and verify if the DWG file is not read-only.
- Open the file properties dialog for this DWG file (right click on the file > Properties). Then go to the Security tab to change the security settings for this file, like in the image bellow.
Note: It's necessary to check the option: "Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent". If this option is turned off then all the added users that should have access to this file will be automatically removed from the allowed access list for this file.
- Once the model has been shared, it can be accessed by several users, who can then share their work through the Master Model.
- Connect to the Master Model. The model is loaded into the workspace in read-only mode.
- Modify the local copy (modify the existing elements, add new elements, etc.).
- Send the modifications to the Master Model.
- Users connect to the master model.
- Each user checks out the elements they need to modify.
- Once the elements are checked out, the users can start modifying the model:
- Modify checked out elements
- Add connections
- Add new elements
- As the project evolves, the model can be modified by any other user. Reloading the Master Model from time to time, allows seeing the modeling progress.
- The users check in elements. All users connected tot the Master Model have access to the modifications after the Master Model has been reloaded.