To Update a Tool in the Content Browser From a Linked Tool

Use this procedure to update a tool in a catalog in the Content Browser with the properties of a linked tool from AutoCAD Architecture toolset.

For example, perhaps you have a tool in the Content Browser that adds a Box mass element of 3 x 3 x 3 meters. You want to change the tool so that it adds a Box mass element of 4 x 4 x 4 meters. You would first link the mass element tool from the Content Browser to a tool palette in AutoCAD Architecture toolset. Then, temporarily deactivate the link and change the dimension properties of the tool to 4 x 4 x 4 meters. Next, copy the tool back to the Content Browser. The Content Browser catalog is updated with the new tool properties. Finally, reactivate the link from the Content Browser tool to the AutoCAD Architecture toolset palette.

  1. Link a tool from a catalog in the Content Browser to a tool palette.
  2. Select the tool in the tool palette, right-click, and click Properties.
  3. On the Tool Properties worksheet, clear Refresh from.

    The tool properties can now be edited.

  4. Make the necessary changes to the tool properties.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Select the tool in the tool palette, and copy it to its original location in the Content Browser catalog.
    Note: You can copy a tool to a catalog in the Content Browser using the Copy and Paste commands from the context menu, or by dragging the tool onto the Content Browser icon in the Windows task bar. To select multiple tools in a tool palette, use CTRL-A to select all or drag while holding the CTRL key to create a selection window.
  7. Click Yes when prompted to overwrite the previous version of the tool.
  8. If you want to refresh the tool in the AutoCAD Architecture toolset palette from the new version stored in the Content Browser, re-open the tool properties for the tool on the tool palette, and select Refresh from.