AecSpaceOffsetOpeningInfo Class Reference

Displays a list of all members of the AecSpaceOffsetOpeningInfo base class.

The AecSpaceOffsetOpeningInfo class is used to describe an offset as a result of the application of a bounding opening rule. It is returned by the implementation of the Apply methods of that class that is called by AutoCAD Architecture toolset when the software needs to calculate the boundary offsets of a space according to the standard this rule is assigned to.

You define an offset with two properties, the type and the value. The type defines where on the bounding object the offset is to align, such as the adjacent face of the wall or the center of the door panel. The value defines an additional offset distance from that alignment, where positive is away from the space under consideration. For example, you can define an offset that is aligned with the adjacent frame, which is then offset an additional 1" toward the opposite face.

namespace Autodesk.Aec.SpaceOffsetRulesManager
public class AecSpaceOffsetOpeningInfo
public AecSpaceOffsetOpeningInfo(AecSpaceOffsetOpeningType type);
public AecSpaceOffsetOpeningInfo(AecSpaceOffsetOpeningType type, double value);
public AecSpaceOffsetOpeningType OffsetType { get; set; }
public double OffsetValue { get; set; }

The Autodesk.Aec.SpaceOffsetRulesManager.AecSpaceOffsetOpeningType enumeration type can be one of the following values:

Value Description
WallAdjacent Defines an offset to the inside of the bounding object (usually this equals no offset at all)
WallCenter Defines an offset to the center of the bounding object
WallOpposite Defines an offset to the opposite side of the bounding object
FrameAdjacent Defines an offset to the inside of the frame of the bounding opening
FrameCenter Defines an offset to the center of the frame of the bounding opening
FrameOpposite Defines an offset to the opposite side of the frame of the bounding opening
PanelAdjacent Defines an offset to the inside of the panel of the bounding opening
PanelCenter Defines an offset to the center of the panel of the bounding opening
PanelOpposite Defines an offset to the opposite side of the panel of the bounding opening
OpeningOwner Defines an offset to be whatever the offset is for the bounding object that owns the opening. No additional defined rules will be applied.
OpeningBaseCurve Defines an offset to align with the base curve of the bounding opening
NotApplicable Defines no offset. Additional defined rules will continue to be applied until an offset is defined.
Note: Currently, door and window assemblies do not support the Frame and Panel options, which will be converted to OpeningBaseCurve.