About Generating Output Data and Exporting Space Data
Space data can be displayed and delivered in various output formats. Depending on your needs, you should choose one of the methods below to deliver and communicate space data:
Schedule table (DWG): When you create a schedule table within a drawing file, the space property data is available for every user that has a version of AutoCAD Architecture toolset, or any software that can read DWG files, like AutoCAD.
DWF: You can export a drawing file with property data to a DWF file.
Database (XLS/CSV/TXT): You can export space property data to XLS (Microsoft Excel), CSV, and TXT formats which are readable by a number of spreadsheet calculation and database applications.
Space evaluation (XLS/TXT): When you generate a space evaluation document, selected properties of spaces are exported to either an XLS or TXT document. Space evaluations display only a subset of space properties. You need a space evaluation for example if you want to export space decomposition data.
Autodesk MapGuide: you can export space property set data to Autodesk MapGuide.
Database (MDB): You can export space property data to a Microsoft Access MDB file.
Note: If you previously used the SpaceInfo command to generate MDB data from spaces, you would now use the AECEXPORTPROPERTYDATA command.