To Map IFC Object Attributes to AutoCAD Architecture Toolset Property Set

  1. Open a drawing and draw an object (for example, a beam).
  2. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelStyle Manager.
  3. In the Style Manager, click File Open.
  4. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ACA <version>\enu\Styles and open IFC_Object_Attribute_Pset_definition.dwg.
  5. On the left pane of the Style Manager, expand IFC_Object_Attribute_Pset_definition.dwg Documentation Objects Property Set Definitions.
  6. From the object attribute list displayed, right-click IfcObjectAttributes [IfcBeam] and select Copy.
  7. Right-click the drawing into which you want to copy the style(s), and click Paste.

    The styles or definitions are pasted into the selected drawing. If the drawing already contains a style with the same name, the duplicate name is displayed in the Import/Export - Duplicate Names Found dialog box.

  8. In the drawing, right-click the beam and select Properties.
  9. In the Properties palette, on the Extended Data tab, click the Add Property Sets.
  10. In the Add Property Sets dialog box, select IfcObjectAttribute [IfcBeam] and click OK.

You can now assign specific IFC attributes for IfcBeam using the property set IfcObjectAttributes [IfcBeam].