About Project Standards

The Project Standards feature lets you establish, maintain and synchronize standards across all drawings in an AutoCAD Architecture toolset project. Project standards include standard styles, display settings, and AutoCAD standards that are used across all project drawings.

Standard styles and display settings for a project are specified and stored in one or more standards drawings that are associated with the project. This allows you to organize your standards drawings in various ways. For example, you could have one standards drawing for styles, another for display settings, and a third for AutoCAD components such as layers, dimension styles, text styles, and linetypes. Or you could place all your wall styles in one standards drawing and all of your property set definitions and data format styles into another.

Project standards can be accessed from a variety of AutoCAD file formats. They can be saved in one or more drawing files (DWG), drawing templates (DWT), or AutoCAD standards drawings (DWS). Each of these file types can be associated with a project as standards drawings.

The project can be compared to the project standards at any time during the project lifecycle, and if version discrepancies between the standards and the project drawings are detected, be synchronized with the standards. In addition, the standards can be updated from the project drawings if necessary.