Default Layer Keys Reference

AutoCAD Architecture toolset uses the following default layer keys when you create AEC objects.

Default layer keys for creating AEC objects  
Layer Key Description
ANNDTOBJ Detail marks
ANNELKEY Elevation marks
ANNELOBJ Elevation objects
ANNMASK AutoCAD Architecture toolset masking objects
ANNMATCH Match lines
ANNOBJ Notes, leaders, etc.
ANNREV Revisions
ANNSXKEY Section marks
ANNSXOBJ Section lines
ANNSYMOBJ Annotation marks
APPL Appliances
CAMERA Cameras
CASE Casework
CASENO Casework tags
CEILGRID Ceiling grids
CEILOBJ Ceiling objects
CHASE Chases
COGO Control points
COLUMN Columns
COMMUN Communication
CONTROL Control systems
CWLAYOUT Curtain walls
CWUNIT Curtain wall units
DIMLINE Dimensions
DIMMAN Dimensions (AutoCAD points)
DOOR Doors
DOORNO Door tags
ELEC Electric
ELECNO Electrical tags
ELEV Elevations
ELEVAT Elevators
ELEVHIDE Elevations (2D)
EQUIP Equipment
EQUIPNO Equipment tags
FINCEIL Ceiling tags
FINE Details - fine lines
FINFLOOR Finish tags
FIRE Fire system equipment
FURN Furniture
FURNNO Furniture tags
GRIDBUB Plan grid bubbles
GRIDLINE Column grids
HATCH Details - hatching
HIDDEN Hidden lines
LAYGRID Layout grids
LIGHTCLG Ceiling lighting
LIGHTW Wall lighting
MASSELEM Massing elements
MASSGRPS Massing groups
MASSSLCE Massing slices
MED Details - medium lines
OPENING Wall openings
PFIXT Plumbing fixtures
PLANTS Plants - outdoor
PLANTSI Plants - indoor
POWER Electrical power
PRCL Property
PRK-SYM Parking symbols
ROOF Rooflines
ROOFSLAB Roof slabs
ROOMNO Room tags
SCHEDOBJ Schedule tables
SEATNO Seating tags
SECT Miscellaneous sections
SECTHIDE Sections (2D)
SLAB Slabs
SPACENO Space tags
SPACEOBJ Space objects
STAIR Stairs
STAIRH Stair handrails
STRUCTBEAM Structural beams
STRUCTBEAMIDEN Structural beam tags
STRUCTBRACE Structural braces
STRUCTBRACEIDEN Structural brace tags
STRUCTCOLS Structural columns
STRUCTCOLSIDEN Structural column tags
SWITCH Electrical switches
THIN Details - thin lines
TINN Triangulated irregular network
TITSCALE Graphical Scales
TITTEXT Border and title block
TITTEXT-DWG Drawing title text
TOILACC Architectural specialties
TOILNO Toilet tags
TOPO Topography
UTIL Site utilities
VIEWPORT Sheet View viewports
WALL Walls
WALLFIRE Fire wall patterning
WALLNO Wall tags
WIDE Details - wide lines
WIND Windows
WINDASSEM Window assemblies
WINDNO Window tags
XLINE Construction line
ZONE Zones
ZONENO Zone tags