To Specify the Keynote Databases for a Project

To ensure the compliance with a specific keynoting standard, for example the CSI standard, you can use the following procedure to specify the relevant keynote databases for a project.

  1. On the Quick Access toolbar, click Project Browser .
  2. In the project selector, select the project for which to define the settings, right-click, and click Project Properties.
  3. Under Advanced, define or change the Keynotes project properties as needed.
  4. For Project Keynote Database, click . (The number of databases associated with the current project is noted.)
  5. In the Add/Remove Keynote Databases dialog box, click Add to add a keynote database to the project.
  6. To remove a database from the list of databases available in the project, select the database, and click Remove.
  7. Click OK.
  8. For Display Non-Project Keynote Databases, specify whether all keynote databases included on the AEC Content tab in the Options dialog box display in addition to keynote databases specified for the project.
  9. Click OK to return to the Project Browser.