To Enable or Disable Dithering

A plotter uses dithering to approximate colors with dot patterns, giving the impression of plotting with more colors than the ink colors available in the plotter. If the plotter does not support dithering, the dithering setting is ignored.

The most common reason for turning off dithering is to avoid false line typing from dithering of thin vectors and to make dim colors more visible. When you turn off dithering, colors are mapped to the nearest color, which limits the range of colors used for plotting. Dithering is available whether you use the object's color or assign a plot style color.

Note: Dithering disables merge control.
  1. Click Application menuPrint Manage Plot Styles.
  2. Double-click the plot style table file that you want to modify.
  3. In the Plot Style Table Editor, Form View tab, select the plot style you want to change and select Dither.
  4. Select On or Off.
  5. When finished, click Save & Close.

    You can edit properties for multiple plot styles while in the Plot Style Table Editor.