To Export Civil 3D Objects to File Geodatabase (FGDB) Format

You can use the Export to FGDB command to export the following Civil 3D objects to a file geodatabase that can be used in ArcGIS or in another application:

The Export to FGDB command saves the file geodatabase to a specified folder and it does not require an ArcGIS account or publishing privileges.

To export objects to FGDB

  1. Ensure that your drawing has a coordinate system assigned to it. If a coordinate system is not specified for the drawing, you will be prompted to assign one after selecting the command.
  2. On the Output tab, click Export panel Export to FGDB .
  3. In the Export to FGDB dialog box, select the objects to export.
  4. Click the Edit Export Settings button.
  5. Specify the ArcGIS category and destination layer for each object type.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Specify a file name and location for the file geodatabase and click Save.