Samples for Autodesk Dynamo for Civil 3D

Learn about the samples installed with Autodesk Dynamo for Civil 3D.

Autodesk Dynamo for Civil 3D provides several sample scripts that automate workflows in Civil 3D. The following Dynamo scripts and supporting files are provided to learn and understand how Dynamo automates workflows for efficiency. They are installed in the following folders by default:
AutoCAD_Python_PSet_CreatePropertySetDefinitionsByJSON.dyn. Creates property set definitions by a JSON file with a Python script.
AutoCAD_Python_PSet_DumpPropertySetDefinitionsToJSON.dyn. Exports property set definitions to a JSON file with a Python script.
AutoCAD_Python_PSet_DumpPropertySetValuesToCSV.dyn. Exports property set values to a CSV file with a Python script.
AutoCAD_Python_PSet_UpdatePropertySetValuesByCSV.dyn. Updates existing property set values from a CSV file with a Python script.
AutoCAD_RunScriptCommandToChangeLayers.dyn. Changes the layers of an object from 0 to C-ROAD. You can use the run script command and select this script.
Civil3D_AddAnnotationAlongAlignment.dyn. Add annotations along an alignment based on stations from an external file.
Civil3D_AddTextAndCircleAlongCorridorFeatureLine.dyn. Annotates vertices of the corridor crown, edge of travel way, and daylight feature lines with their elevation and a circle at each cross section.
Civil3D_CorridorCounterfortWall.dyn. Creates counterfort retaining wall elements at regular spacing along either side of the corridor where needed.
Civil3D_DaylightSlopePattern.dyn. Draws a slope pattern derived from feature lines along the daylight area of a corridor.
Civil3D_ExportCorridorFeatureLine.dyn. Exports corridor feature lines to a CSV file.
Civil3D_ReadAndWriteSubassemblyParameters.dyn. Reads subassembly parameters from a corridor, exports subassembly parameters to a CSV file, and changes the parameters of applied subassemblies at stations.
Civil3D_SplitCorridorSolid.dyn. Splits corridor solids into segments that are 25 meters long.
CoGoPoints.dyn. Creates new nodes in Autodesk Dynamo for Civil 3D for creating points, adding points to a point group, and creating a surface from a point group. See API Script Example: COGO Point Generation