The Face strategy is used for machining the frontside of the part.
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Ribbon: CAM tab Turning panel Face |
The Face strategy is used for machining the frontside of the part.
Select a turning tool from the library, or create a new turning tool.
Select the type of coolant that should be used with the tool. Output options will vary depending on the machine capabilities and machine postprocessor configuration.
Enable to automatically adjust the spindle speed to maintain a constant surface speed between the tool and the workpiece as the cutting diameter changes . Constant Surface Speed (CSS) is specified using G96 on most machines.
The cutting speed expressed as the speed of the tool across the part surface. Expressed as Ft/min or M/min depending on the current Units setting.
The rotational speed of the spindle.
Specifies the maximum allowed spindle speed when using Constant Surface Speed (CSS).
Enable to switch from Distance over Time (In/Min or MM/min), to Feed Per Revolution (IPR or MMPR). This type of feedrate creates a constant chip load regardless of the spindle RPM.
Feed used in cutting moves. Input based on the Use Feed per Revolution setting and the current Units.
Feed used when leading in to a cutting move. Input based on the Use Feed per Revolution setting and the current Units.
Feed used when leading out from a cutting move. Input based on the Use Feed per Revolution setting and the current Units.
Used to limit the toolpath by Confining an area. Toolpaths can be contained within a specific region. Front Mode lets you set the reference point for defining the containment area and Offset lets you adjust the boundary positive or negative from that reference. You can use these options to extend the toolpath past the model for a longer cut.
Specifies the reference position for the Front Confinement boundary. These are the options for selecting the reference.
Chuck Front
Specifies the distance to extend the machining boundary from the reference position shown above. You can specify a positive or negative distance from the reference point, or dynamically drag the position with your mouse. Front boundary is shown in Orange.
Front of Model Reference with .200" Offset
The Radii tab allows you to set a radial containment area for machining. These parameters are color coded for easy identification.
Order for Radii Containment. |
Shown in Orange, this controls the radius where the tool rapids to at the start and end of the toolpath. The tool approaches from and retracts to this position.
Shown in Orange, "From" sets the Clearance radius reference position. The reference can be in relation to the Stock, the Model, a specified Radius, Diameter, or any of the other Radial positions. This reference position can be shifted with a positive or negative offset value.
Use this offset to shift the position relative to the Reference point selected above. You can make positive or negative adjustments as needed.
In This Example... |
Shown in Dark Green, this controls the position above the surface you plan to machine. This is the radius where the tool retracts to between cuts.
Shown in Dark Green, "From" sets the Retract reference position. The reference can be in relation to the Stock, the Model, a specified Radius, Diameter, or any of the other Radial positions. This reference position can be shifted with a positive or negative offset value.
Same function as the Clearance Offset shown above.
Shown in Light Blue, this defines the largest radial boundary of the cutting area. Outer Radius defines the outer stock surface you plan to machine.
Outer Radius in Light Blue. |
Shown in Light Blue, "From" sets the Outer Radius reference position. The reference can be in relation to the Stock, the Model, a specified Radius, Diameter, or any of the other Radial positions. This reference position can be shifted with a positive or negative offset value.
Same function as the Clearance Offset shown above.
Shown in Dark Blue, this defines the smallest radial boundary of the cutting area. Inner Radius controls the maximum depth for the cut area .
Inside Radius in Dark Blue. |
Shown in Dark Blue, "From" sets the Inner Radius reference position. The reference can be in relation to the Stock, the Model, a specified Radius, Diameter, or any of the other Radial positions. This reference position can be shifted with a positive or negative offset value.
Same as the Outer Radius "From" options shown above.
Same function as the Clearance Offset shown above.
The machining tolerance is the sum of the tolerances used for toolpath generation and geometry triangulation. Any additional filtering tolerances must be added to this tolerance to get the total tolerance.
Loose Tolerance .100
Tight Tolerance .001
CNC machine contouring motion is controlled using line G1 and arc G2 G3 commands. To accommodate this, CAM approximates spline and surface toolpaths by linearizing them; creating many short line segments to approximate the desired shape. How accurately the toolpath matches the desired shape depends largely on the number of lines used. More lines result in a toolpath that more closely approximates the nominal shape of the spline or surface.
Data Starving
It is tempting to always use very tight tolerances, but there are trade-offs including longer toolpath calculation times, large G-code files, and very short line moves. The first two are not much of a problem because Inventor CAM calculates very quickly and most modern controls have at least 1MB of RAM. However, short line moves, coupled with high feedrates, may result in a phenomenon known as data starving.
Data starving occurs when the control becomes so overwhelmed with data that it cannot keep up. CNC controls can only process a finite number of lines of code (blocks) per second. That can be as few as 40 blocks/second on older machines and 1,000 blocks/second or more on a newer machine like the Haas Automation control. Short line moves and high feedrates can force the processing rate beyond what the control can handle. When that happens, the machine must pause after each move and wait for the next servo command from the control.
Specifies the compensation type.
Enable to enter a stepover value.
The number of roughing steps.
Specifies the distance between passes. By default, this value is 95% of the cutter width less the tool corner radius.
Stepover between cuts
Enable to perform finishing passes using the side of the tool.
Finishing passes on
Finishing passes off
Enable to specify more than one finishing pass. If Finishing Passes is enabled, but Multiple Finishing Passes is disabled, then only one finishing pass is performed.
Multiple finishing passes on
Multiple finishing passes off
Specifies the number of finishing passes.
Shown with three finishing passes
The maximum distance between finishing passes.
Positive Stock to Leave - The amount of stock left after an operation to be removed by subsequent roughing or finishing operations. For roughing operations, the default is to leave a small amount of material.
No Stock to Leave - Remove all excess material up to the selected geometry.
Negative Stock to Leave - Removes material beyond the part surface or boundary.
The Axial Stock to Leave parameter controls the amount of material to leave in the axial direction (along the Z-axis), i.e. On the faces of flanges. Specifying a positive Axial stock to leave results in material being left on the Faces and shallow areas in the Z direction.
Axial stock to leave
For finishing operations, it's common to set the default value to 0 mm / 0 in, i.e. no material is left.
For roughing operations, it's common to leave a small amount of material that can then be removed later by one or more finishing operations.
Negative stock to leave
When using a negative stock to leave, the machining operation removes more material from your stock than your model shape. This can be used to machine electrodes with a spark gap, where the size of the spark gap is equal to the negative stock to leave.
Both the radial and axial stock to leave can be negative numbers. However, the negative radial stock to leave must be less than the tool radius. When using a large nose radius or a button type insert with a negative stock, the negative stock must be less than or equal to the radius.
Controls how the tool should retract to the clearance diameter after every cutting pass. or just retract a short distance away from the job. The distance is determined by the Safe Distance value.
Full retraction
Minimum retraction
Specifies when rapid movements should be output as true rapids (G0) and when they should be output as high feedrate movements (G1).
This parameter is usually set to avoid collisions at rapids on machines which perform "dog-leg" movements at rapid.
The feedrate to use for rapids movements output as G1 instead of G0.
Used to define how the tool should position at the start of the operation and the end of the operation. The default position is in reference to the Safe Z as defined in the Setup. You can override the Setup Safe Z position with the options shown below.
Approach Z - Defines how the tool will position before the start of the toolpath.
Retract Z - Defines how the tool will position after completing the toolpath.
Enable to redefine the Reference position for the Safe Z retract.
Safe Z Reference - Select the new reference position to set the Safe Z retract.
Safe Z Offset
Set the distance to shift from the reference position specified above.
WCS Reference and Offset Distance |
WCS Reference and Offset Distance |
Stock Front Reference and Offset Distance |
Stock Back Reference and Offset Distance |
Enable to generate a lead-in.
Specifies the radius of the lead-in move at the start of a cutting pass.
Lead-In Radius @ 0mm
Lead-In Radius @ 3mm
Specifies the distance (length) of the lead-in move at the start of a cutting pass.
Linear Lead-In Distance set to 1mm
Linear Lead-In Distance set to 5mm
Specifies the angle of the lead-in move at the start of a cutting pass. Note that the angle reference depends on the Use Fixed Lead direction.
Lead-In Angle @ 45 degrees
Lead-In Angle @ 90 degrees
Enable to generate a lead-out.
Specifies that the lead-out definition should be identical to the lead-in definition.
Specifies the distance (length) of the lead-out move at the end of a cutting pass.
Linear Lead-Out Distance set to 1 mm
Linear Lead-Out Distance set to 5 mm
Specifies the radius of the lead-out move at the end of a cutting pass.
Lead-Out Radius @ 0mm
Lead-Out Radius @ 3mm
Specifies the angle of the lead-out move at the end of a cutting pass. Note that the angle reference depends on the Use Fixed Lead direction.
Lead-Out Angle @ 45 degrees
Lead-Out Angle @ 90 degrees