Drill the Holes

The next step is to drill the two small holes at the top left and right corners of the work piece.

  1. On the ribbon, click CAM tab Drilling panel Drill .

Tool tab

Change the default tool.

  1. On the Tool tab, click the button.
  2. Click the button.
  3. This procedure creates a tool with default dimensions and cutting data. The default is a Ø10 mm drill. We will use most of the defaults, but change some of the cutting parameters a bit.

  4. Click the Cutter tab.
  5. Change Type to Drill by selecting it from the drop-down menu.
  6. Change Diameter to 5 mm.
  7. Click the OK button to create your new tool.
  8. Click the Select button to select the tool for your operation and close the Tool Library dialog.

Geometry tab

  1. Click the Geometry tab. Ensure that Selected faces is selected from the Hole mode: drop-down menu and that the Hole faces selection button is active.
  2. Zoom in, and select the cylindrical face of the smaller diameter hole at the top left corner of the part.

  3. Enable the Select same diameter check box. Doing so automatically selects the identically sized small hole at the top right of the part.

Heights tab

  1. Click the Heights tab and enable the Drill tip through bottom check box. 
  2. Change Break-through depth to: 1 mm

Cycle tab

  1. Click the Cycle tab. 
  2. Select Chip breaking - partial retract from the Cycle type: drop-down menu.

Start the Calculation

  1. Click at the bottom of the Operation dialog box, or right-click in the graphics window and select OK from the marking menu, to automatically start calculating the toolpath.

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