Learn about defining and using Presets.
What's New 2019.2, 2020, 2020.2
A preset is a collection of pre-defined feature properties, including tolerances, and the Boolean output choice. When selected, the preset populates its values in the property panel. This enables easy reuse of often used property sets.
You can use a preset to "seed" the property panel with values you want to use, then modify the values to suit the feature needs. You can create a new preset from those values, or save as the current preset overwriting the previous values.
When you use a preset to create a feature, the next time you create a feature of that type the most recently used preset populates the Property Panel. When you edit a legacy feature, the values used to create the feature are loaded into the property panel and the preset name is No Preset.
Preset Interface
Sets the feature property panel default.
No Preset
If the preset shows No Preset, that means the feature is either a legacy feature or was created with the "Last Used" values. If it is a legacy feature and you change a value, and the value is different from the current "Last Used" values, it is given the name Custom preset.
The Boolean output for No Preset is the last used choice, either New Solid or Join. If neither is the last used, then Join is the default choice.
What does the asterisk (*) indicate?
An ( * ) asterisk on a Preset name, such as
*Preset 1, indicates a feature definition value has changed from the saved version. You can save the modified preset using the settings dropdown
replacing the previous preset or use
to save the changes in a new preset.
Because Presets and Styles are defined separately, there are times when the two can become incompatible. When the incompatibility occurs, the preset is not accessible. It still appears in the list but is disabled and displays in gray text. To enable the preset to work with the style it is incompatible with, you need to modify the property or value that is incompatible.
You can specify tolerances for parameters and these are saved in the preset. Click the flyout arrow, select Tolerance... and specify the tolerance type and range. Save the preset to a named one you identify.
To turn off Tolerances, set the Tolerance Type to Default and save the setting. Values with a tolerance are easily identified by the colored indicator.
The following describes how to create, save, edit, and manage presets and the files they generate.
Create new preset and specify the preset name or press Enter to accept the default name.
Last Used preset is made up of the parameters used for the most recently placed feature of that type.
Last Used displays when no preset was saved for a newly created feature. You can use the
Last Used preset as is or modify its values. At any time you can save the changed preset to a new preset by clicking
Create new preset and accepting the default name or providing a name. The Last Used settings persist across sessions.
When you edit a feature, the preset used to create the feature is loaded into the dialog. If the preset shows No Preset, that means the feature is either a legacy feature without a preset or was created with the "Last Used" values. If it is a legacy feature and you change a value, and the value is different from the current "Last Used" values, it is given the name Custom preset.
( * ) Asterisks on Presets, such as
*Preset 1, indicate a feature definition value has changed from the saved version. You can save the modified preset using the settings dropdown
replacing the previous preset or use
to save it as a completely new preset.
Tolerance values used for dimensional parameters are stored in the preset.
Boolean output choices are stored in the preset for Extrude, Revolve, Sweep, and Coil. For Extrude there is an Advanced Setting, Anticipate Boolean Operation, that gives you the option to have the software anticipate the boolean choice based on the profile and solids in the model. The setting overrides the preset Boolean choice.
When you edit a feature, the Preset field populates with:
No Preset if the feature is a legacy feature or was created with the "Last Used" values. If it is a legacy feature, and you change a value to something different from the current "Last Used" values, it is given the name Custom preset.
For each user, there is a preset file located in the %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Inventor xxxx\Presets folder. The file contains any feature presets created while working as that %USERPROFILE%.
The Last Used preset is stored in the parent folder, %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\Inventor xxxx, under the file name PresetSettings.xml.2019bak.
The location can be changed if you prefer a single Preset file for all users. The file path is stored in Application Options and can be changed by going to the
Application Options
File tab and navigating to the new location. This path also displays in the Projects dialog, lower section, in the Folder Options.
Presets can be migrated from one release to the next. To learn more, see To Migrate Application Options and Customization Settings.