Drawing Tab Reference (Document Settings)

Sets options in the active drawing file or template.

To make the settings the defaults for all new drawings, set the options in the drawing templates.


Ribbon: Tools tab Options panel Document Settings . In the dialog box, click the Drawing tab.

Defer Updates

When selected, suppresses automatic update for the active drawing. Clear the check box to update the drawing automatically when the model changes.

  • When selected, many commands are disabled on the Place Views tab. Hole Note and Hole Table (as well as Bend Note, Balloon, and Part List in Inventor) are not available on the Annotate tab.
  • If you set Defer Updates in a template, you cannot place views in the drawings created from it.
  • Defer Updates can also be set from the drawing node context menu.
Cross Hatch Clipping

Select to break the hatch about drawing annotations.


  • To enable clipping around user-defined symbols, select the Symbol Clipping option for individual symbol instances.
  • The cross hatch clipping is not supported for datum targets and in isometric views.
Automated Centerlines

Opens the Centerline Settings dialog box so you can set the defaults for automated centerlines to a drawing view. For more information, see Automated Centerlines Settings.

Invalid Annotations

If the component they are attached to is deleted or replaced (and promoted or demoted in Inventor) annotations can become invalid.

Highlight When selected, marks invalid dimensions and other annotations that lose their attachment in the active drawing file.

Preserve Orphaned Annotations When selected, retains annotations that are detached from geometry.

Feature-based Annotation Capture Color Specifies a unique color for invalid feature- based annotations. Using the specified color, you can identify annotations to delete and replace.

The remaining invalid annotations can be selected. Right-click and select Reconnect Annotation to attempt reconnection to valid anchor points.

Shaded Views

Use Bitmap Sets frequency for using bitmaps on shaded views to Always or Offline Only. To increase capacity and improve performance, select Always.

Bitmap Resolution Sets the image quality for shaded views. Affects file size, graphics appearance, and print quality. Click the arrow, and select from the list

Note: High resolution influences performance. With large or complex models of shaded views, in the Use Bitmap drop-down menu, select Always with a low Bitmap Resolution. This setting reduces memory consumption.
Reflection Environment

Use Applications Options/Browse Specifies the reflection map to be used in the drawing.

Apply specular effect When selected, the reflection environment map is applied when the material on the face is reflective material.

Dimension Updates

Dimension Text Alignment Controls text position for angular and linear dimensions when geometry is updated.

View Position maintains text position on the sheet.

Sheet Position and Maintain Centered Retains centered dimension placement, while all other dimensions maintain their positions on the sheet.

Percentage of Dimension Line Attempts to maintain all dimension text positions relative to the dimension line.

Properties in Drawing

Additional Custom Model iProperty Source Specifies a file that contains custom iProperties and adds names of custom properties to Custom Property - Model list. Then you can use properties in the drawing or template.

Click the arrow to select a file from the list, or Browse to, and select a file.

Copy Model iProperty Settings opens the Copy Model iProperty Settings dialog box. Click the command to select model iProperties to copy into the drawing.

Note: You can use copied model iProperties in parts lists, title blocks, and other annotations that access model or drawing iProperties.