Add nailboard harness dimensions

Use Harness Dimension to add a driven, aligned dimension between 2 points. The 2 points can span wires and segments. Dimensions from a segment, wire, or ribbon cable to a connector are not allowed.

For fanned-in wires displayed as the longest wire, you can dimension to the wire end and all intermediate wire work points. When displayed as the segment, you can dimension to segment endpoints, the end of the fanned in stub, and all intermediate segment work points.

To dimension geometry that is not part of the harness assembly, such as lines or splines added to the sketch, use Annotate tab Dimension panel Dimension . Using the Dimension command you can create non driven dimensions in a different orientation, if needed.

To dimension the length of loops displayed as a straight line, you dimension them as you would any other two points. To dimension wire loops displayed in a v-shape, you dimension each side of the wire portion from the segment endpoint to the vertex.

For ribbon cables with folds, you can dimension each side of the ribbon cable portion from the start endpoint to the fold lines, depending on the type of fold. You can also dimension the conductor one indication line, the angular fold line, and intermediate work points.

Note: Dimensions that are created using the Autodesk Inventor General Dimension command and placed on wire stubs or wire pins are deleted when fanned in. Use Harness Dimension to dimension cable and harness objects.
  1. In the nailboard sketch, click Nailboard tab Dimension panel Harness Dimension .
  2. In the graphics window, click to select the points to dimension.
    Tip: To dimension to internal segment points, first select the segment to make the points visible for selection.
  3. Drag to display the dimension, and then click to place it.
  4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for other dimensions.
  5. Right-click, and then select Done when finished.
Note: Harness dimensions associated to the harness wires, ribbon cables, and segments are visible on the drawing by default when you exit the sketch. It is not necessary to Retrieve Dimensions.

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